G 部 指定演講、即席問答比賽 部內賽





G 部 指定演講、即席問答比賽 部內賽

日期: 98年 328日 星期 六    09:30 - 11:45

2F, 216, Tun Hua S. Rd. Sec 2, Taipei  MSD meeting room

費用: NT:50




時間 節目 主持人
Registration Lily Hui , M.J.Yeh
Speaking Positions Drawing  
Calling Contest to Order  
  Timers Albert Chang , Richard Yuan
  Vote Counters Su Yuan
09:45 Words of Welcome Division G Governor Janice Su
09:47 Contest Chair Opening William Chiu
Chief Judge Briefing L.J Lamb
09:55 Prepare Speech Contest (1 Minute Slience Between Each Contestant)  
14:48 Order Contestants Speech Title  
  1. Tony Lee Let’s talk about Love  
  2. David Hsieh Gift  
  3. Tiffany Yen In the Mirror  
  4. Candy Liao Blood type in your personality  
  5. Tim Cheng Good Bye  

Wendy Chen

The day I met her  
10:40 Intermission   Bonita Hsu
 11:00 Contest Chair William Chiu
 11:02 Chief Judge Briefing L.J Lamb
  All contestants leave the room Preparation for the first contestant  
11:05 Order Contestants   Order Contestants  
  1. Irmy Wu   5. Teresa Fu  
  2. Lisa Lu   6. Vasily Hsuan  
  3. Keli Yen        
  4. Tina Huang        
11:30 Appreciation certificates / Awards presenting Janice Su
11:45 Contest Adjourned  
Transportation Map:  
MRT: 六張犁(木柵線)下車, 8~ 10 分鐘  
Bus: 坡心站: 1, 207, 905, 906,909, 敦化幹線  
臥龍街口: 207,3,15,18,278,284,235