

搶救 CL Award 之策略



Dear Leader,

Time flies as fast as an arrow. District-67 got 22 new CL Awards up-to-now. It seems far away from our goal 130 of District or 236 of DCP (If 132 Clubs). It’s a very critical situation for us. Although the new CL manual published for almost 3 years, many Clubs still neglect or ignore the practice of the program.  As a result, many members lost the opportunities to fulfill the practice of new CL program and then only few members got the CL Award.

到目前為止,獲得新制 CL 認證的人數只有 22 位而已,距本總會今年度的目標 130 位仍相距甚遠,而與每分會 2 位,全國的 232 位理想數目更是遙遠。這真值得我們警惕的事。更嚴重的事實是,CL手册在 2005 年公佈後,已經運作三年了,並且從今年七月一日正式全面實施,但發現很多分會仍然漠視或不知如何運作,以致很多會員失去實施手冊內訓練項目的機會,因而獲得 CL Award 數目當然不够。

We all know that Toastmasters International offer the education programs for members to learn the skills of  communication and leadership. In the past years, we can learn the skill of communication from the basic communication manual. Now, we have leadership manual for us to practice the skill of leadership from 9 regular meeting roles and 15 roles in Club activities. It’s a very fortunate opportunity for us and we will benefit from the program if we can fulfill the requirement of the manual.

我們都知道,國際演講會提教育課程讓會員學習溝通及領導技巧。但過去只有 CC 手册的演講中能確實學習溝通技巧,而今年才提供了 CL 手册讓我們能從例會的 9 個角色(包括担任演講的角色)及分會的 15 個活動中,逐項確實地學習領導的基本技巧。這是何等的幸運的機會,,如果能够讓會員確實去執行及實施的話,大家一定能受恵良多。

Actually, 22 CL awards have proved that it’s easy to fulfill the requirement of CL program. In fact, we have many New CL manual training meeting in past 2 years. But, many observations revealed that many Clubs didn’t practice the program intensively, that is why members seldom brought their manual to the meeting which holds back the getting of CL award. In this situation, The function of club meeting becomes incomplete. So, how to improve the bad situation becomes our major duty

其實,有 22 位獲得 CL 認證,表示獲得 CL 並非困難的事情了。雖然過去二年多,已進行過許多領導手册的訓練,但根據許多觀查,仍有很多分會未能確實執行,幹部(尤其是會長及敎育副會長)未積極督導,因而很少人會携帶手册與會。今後如何積極改進,是我們的首要課題,不然,除例會的功能不全而對不起會員外,也會減低 DCP 的分數的  

How to improve the critical situation? The following tips are my suggestions:


1. Getting a CL Award is easy if you familiar with the manual and follow the tips: 
CL Award不難---只要會員認知手册的內容及實施要訣:
  a. For club regular meeting: 

Record member’s role (1/9 roles) and the project (1/10 projects) they practice. Also assign a writing evaluator.

    嚴格記錄會員在例會担任的角色( 9項中的 1),及其進行的領導技巧訓練 (10種技巧的 1),並指派講評員作書面講評。
  b. For club activity:
Beside the mentoring system and befriending a guest, organize 5 club’s activities committees every 6 months with a chairman and many assistants. Total over 20 chairmen and many assistants will be provided. Speech contests—4 contests a year; Special events—at least 6 events, (many club outings, X’mas party, spring wine party, etc.); Membership building competition—4 times (twice a year and 2 teams each time.); PR competition—4 times. Webmaster team—2 times.
  c. There are 44 requirements in CL matrix table, but only 21-22 requirements are enough for a CL Award. There are 27 requirements in regular meeting roles, but only 17 are enough. Select 1-2 times as TM and GE is a wise arrangement There are 17 requirements in 15 club activities, but only 5 requirements are enough.  (2 times as chairman, 1 time as assistant, 1 time as mentor and 1 time as befriend a guest)
    表格中總共有 44 項要求,但只要完成 21 22 項就可獲得 CL Award 了。其中,分會 9 項角色中雖有 27 種要求,但只要完成 17 項就可以,並且只要擔任1 2 次的 TM GE 就行了。分會 15 項活動中雖有 17 種要求,但只要完成 5 項要求就可以,其中有二次主席的角色就可以了。因此,獲得 CL Award 並非難事了。

Tip for CL evaluator:
CL 的講評員指派原則之建議 : 

  a. For regular meeting roles: Assign a senior member for the writing evaluator or may as:
分會例會 :除每次指派資深會員担任講評員外,也可以依下:
            Presidentà  TM. GE & Table Topics-master
à   Timer, ah-counter, grammarian and speakers.
à    Evaluators.
à Topics speakers
                       會長 à節目主持人,總講評員及即席問答主持人。
à 計時員,計哈員,文法員及演講人。
à 講評員
à 回答人
  b. For club activities: 
       VPE à Speech contest chairman and assistants
à membership building competition chairman and assistants
à special event and PR competition chairman and assistants.
              Also webmaster or newsletter editor and their assistants. 
    教育副會長à 演講比賽主席及助理
à 會員招募競賽主席及助理
à 特別活動及公關活動競賽之主席及助理或網路長及助理。
3. CL program leader: Assign VPE or a senior member to coordinate the CL practice program
VPE 負責或委派資深會員當助手,專職負責CL的實施。
4. All members join the program:  
  These senior members who got the old CL Award will not only have another opportunity to enhance their leadership skill but also will help junior members to obtain new CL Award.

In this emergent condition, invite 2 to 3 members to finish CL award for Club DCP
現階段則優先請 2 3 位會員進行實施,以獲得 DCP 2個分。

5. This intensive practicing program will start from January 2009 and the Club President or VPE will complete the space in “Monthly progress record of Club CL program.”and submit to Area, Division governors and LGET every 3 months.
6. Rewarding policy:
  a. Year-end competition of CL Award (Total of education and leadership award)
  b. Present the “Appreciation certificate” to top 10 Clubs’ President and VPE for  their contribution to the practicing of the CL program. (submit the progress record and the number of the CL award.)
  c. Present the” achievement ribbons” to the top 10 clubs for their achievement in CL awards.
    分會得到CL數最多之前十名,將獲盼發“CL Award 競賽優勝分會”彩带一條。

James Lin, DTM, LGET

j[email protected]
[email protected]