


日期: 97年 10 01日星期三   18:40 ~ 21:00
地點: 台北市中山北路三段 40 號,大同大學尚志教育館 1 106
公車: 大同大學站: 218、220、260、310、247、287
捷運: 民權西路站、圓山站 走向中山北路 (約 10 分鐘)
費用: 免費




時間 內容 主持人
18:40 Social Time Receptionist: Isabel Kuo (Tatung U.)
19:00 Call for Opening Raymond Tsai (Tatung University)
  Call the meeting to order (by acting President) Peri Chuang (Tatung University)
19:05 Greeting from Dean of the school Hong, Jan-Chen
19:08 Greetings from the school directors Hsieh Fu-hui, Su Ande, Cherry Li
19:15 Greetings from District 67 (Taiwan) Governor Marian Hsiao
19:18 Toastmaster of the meeting Ichi Su(Chengchih University)
  Timer Penny Hsu  (Soochow University)
  'Ah' Counter TBA         (Soochow University)
19:28 Joke Session J.J. Chang  (World Mosaic)
19:38 Manual speech session Ichi Su
  Leadership Alex         (Soochow University)
  SAD Girls, to the Rescue Moses Mo   (Galaxy)
19:55 Intermission  
20:05 Table Topics Teresa Shao  (Tatung University)
20:15 Evaluation Session Edward Chen (Formosa)
  Individual Evaluator #1 Mike Yang    (China)
  Individual Evaluator #2 Peggy Chang  (Formosa)
  Language Evaluator L.J. Lamb     (World Mosaic)
  General Evaluator's Comment Edward Chen
20:35 Q & A Mike Yang
20:55 Membership enrollment Isabel, Teresa, Peri, Raymond
21:00 Meeting Adjourned Peri Chuang
Note: 1. Next demo meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at the same time, same place.
  2. If you want to join this club, please contact
    Charlie Chen 陳佑偉 (0912-898-639), Raymond Tsai 蔡侑霖 (0953-035-475),
    Peri Chuang 莊佩璇 (0921-173-173),Teresa Shao邵楚涵 (0939-398-981), or
    Isabel Kuo郭乃瑋 (0917-786-518)