



Dear Leaders,How are you! 

Hope you have a happy summer!

After we successfully ended Demo Meeting at Formosa Toastmasters Club on July, 22 and the reporter of "Manager Today" had an intensive interview with District Governor, Marian Hsiao, DTM, Past District Governor, Jorie Wu, DTM, and International Director, George Yen, DTM. the famous magazine, "Manager Today" has reported the article on August issue. Please see some pages as attached.
盛況空前,笑聲連連的七月廿二日示範例會,業己結束, 以及經過一系列專訪蕭敏環總會長、吳咨杏前總會長及顏瑛宗國際理事後, 著名的經理人雜誌己在八月份的期刊上作專題報導. 請參閱附件

This is the breakthrough in our District 67. For all of us, this is to motivate us to be an excellent Communicator and Leader. For outside of Toastermasters Clubs, it is the good information for you to promote Toastmasters to the people around you.
這是我們 67 區的創舉,對我們而言, 也將激勵我們成為優秀的溝通人才以及領導者. 對外而言, 我們可以運用這些深具意義的資料,在我們週遭推廣國際演講會

Please remember that every member is a "PR" for our organization. It's our challenge to improve ourselves as good example and have more people to join this great family, Toastmasters International. Then we could add colors to our life!
期盼記得, 我們每一位會員都是"公關", 我們的挑戰是自我成長,以成為範例, 并藉此推介更多新會員加入這個偉大的國際演講會, 相對的, 讓人生更多彩!  

We would like to appreciate Luner's great efforts to make it happen. She devoted a lot of efforts and talents on it. And special thanks for the sharing of experiences and thoughts from District Governor Marian Hsiao, DTM, past District Governor, Jorie Wu, DTM, and International Director, George Yen, DTM. We all could learn from them.
我們特別再次感謝總會時報總編輯, 前任公關長, Luna Chiang 的努力, 讓此項創舉得以成功, 她已貢獻出才華及心力,令我們由衷感佩. 同時我們也特別感謝蕭敏環總會長、吳咨杏前總會長及顏瑛宗國際理事的經驗與觀念分享. 我們將獲益良多!  

Hope this PR achievement could give you some help!

Enjoy and have fun! 

Add Colors to Your Life!

District PR, 2008~2009

附記: 因採訪策略, 此次以英語為主軸,請非英語系的分會諒解.