台灣總會表現排行世界第4名 |
My fellow Toastmasters, 大家好:
I have
just received a phone call this morning from
our International President, DTM Chris
K. Ford, informing me that District 67 is
honored with the designation “ President's
Distinguished District” for the term
2007-2008 ( Top 4 in the world)!
Words cannot describe my euphoric feeling after hearing this great piece of news!I feel proud of our team of District 67 Officers who have been our most dedicated leaders during the past year 2007-08. I am equally proud of all the Toastmasters who have mastered themselves and helped others. Congratulations! 言語無法表達本人內心感受,謝謝大家過去一年的盡心盡力,而我們也是實至名歸:成就自我, 造就他人!恭喜.
By being your very best, you have helped bestow this greatest honor on District 67. Our heartiest congratulations to you all for achieving world accolades: 竭其所能,盡善盡美!謝謝本地區 District 67所有會友大家的努力; 由於您如此無私的付出與傑出的表現,本台灣地區總會才能如此榮獲世界級般的殊榮.
We are making history as we got a score of 109.59 points for the first time, and we will continue to grow stronger each year! Stand tall and be proud of our District. Please share this good news with our members.Thank you for all you have done that has turned our vision into a reality. Master Yourself, Help Others! 109.59的高分,已為我們台灣地區總會締造新的亮眼成績,並令世界驚艷!希望代為傳達此份令人振奮的好消息至所有會員或會友們,請為自己的努力,再度掌聲喝采!也讓本區未來的表現更亮麗,更發光發熱.謝謝大家,願景成真 ! 成就自我, 造就他人!
Add colors to your life! 讓人生更多采!
Jack Tsai 蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)
Immediate Past District Governor ,District 67 (2008-09)