


Dear Leaders,


The District is proud of you and your members - you have helped the District achieve the District’s Goals 2007-2008.

首先在此謝謝大家一起達成 2007-08台灣總會首度目標.

In the next 11 days, you can motivate your members to help the District accomplish the following tasks:

為期望另步高峰,在未來的 11天更是重要的關鍵期, 如能聚焦在以下兩個方向落點,則本年度 District 67 總會,將會因您的努力而締造個另個光耀的榮景, 台灣地區總會鐵定不會在世界舞台上缺席的! 

1) Motivate more members to achieve their education goals.

鼓勵貴分會更多的CC 或 AC的達成. 

What motivates each of these members to fulfill their education goal?  It is the growth and encouragement given by club members, mentors and sponsors who helped them bring out their best.  When they aim at it, work at it and try at it, they got it. 

借助貴會資深會友,輔導人,發起人等的群策力量, 鼓勵這些潛在即將達到 CC,AC的會員或很有實力的會員們再加把勁.信守承諾,達成目標!.


This is the Toastmasters spirit.  The District urges you, members in every club – if you are only 1-2 assignments away from getting this award, GO FOR IT!  Do not wait!!!  The sweetness of achievement is there.  

僅剩一兩步即可達到任何教育目標的會員們: 加油,莫猶豫! 甜美的果實將與我們在一起!

2) To recruit another 250 new members

再多增募 250名會員的加入


If every club recruits 2 more new member within the next 11 days, we shall get another  250 new members. We are confident that we should be able to charter at least 1 more new club before the end of the term. That will make us pass the bar. 

如果每個分會可分別招募 2名新會員,則 250名目標不是夢. 倘若再來個新會,則是完美極了!


Sounds easy, right? Please tell your clubs to do it now!

聽起來似乎簡單,對嗎?其實不難, 如果此訊息可傳達至貴會會員並群策群力, 則此目標可期. 


We have worked together for the past 354 days to come this far. We are about to dash through the finish line. Let's do it together to achieve what remains to be achieved within the next 11 days. We should then rejoice and celebrate our achievement on 30 June 2008. 

謝謝大家這 354天來的辛勤努力,再過幾天我們將到達本屆終點線;若能好好珍惜這僅剩 11天的黃金轉折期, 我們鐵定可以再登高峰.


Yeah! " Master Yourself, Help Others! "

讓我們一起" 成就自我, 造就他人!"


Aim for the highest possible together !

讓我們共同" 邁向高峰! "

Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

[email protected]  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,District 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長
