

District 67 加油衝刺


Dear Leaders, 

Time flies! It's only 18 days away into the term 2007-08. Thank you for being shining examples of what this organization is all about :" Master Yourself, Help Others!" Thank you for all that you have done for our District 67. Breaking the history will be upon us, and we will have another 18 days to reach our mission.  Much can be accomplished in 18 dyas, if we follow our club's Distinguished Club Plan (DCP), CCs & ACs... 
時間飛逝!18天本任期已告一個段落,謝謝大家在不同崗位上, 卻是如此盡責盡職,此種精神令人欽佩.亦深深反應著: 成就自我,造就他人! 的精神.開創新歷史的時刻已到來了, 其表示18天裡我們可以創造更多的高峰..祇要落實分會 DCP目標, CCAC.  

Attached please find as the record of  Region 1 FYI! The record has been changed from time to time.Never GIVE UP & GIVE IN before the end of June. MoreCCs & ACs that scores start counting.... Go! Go! Go!  District 67.  
附表(美區 Region 1-第一區成績做分析與自許)
世界各地區總會成績變化瞬間甚距!在本任期6月底之前請勿鬆懈, CCAC的分數才開使進賬.各分會您的力量,將扮演著本地區 D 67創造歷史新頁的使命.


地區總會 CC已達數 CC目標底數 得分 AC已達數 AC目標底數 得分
District 15  145 98  8.28 77 28 13.65
District 67 195 195 5.00 70  55 6.25

Growing Space    得分可成長空間       3.28                                                  7.04

僅拿Region 1District 15地區總會作參考, 我們CC, AC及傑出分會數,似乎還有相當大的成長空間.切記!世界各地區總會成績變化瞬間甚距!何況除了Region 1世界上還有其他8Regions( 包含我們在內的DNAR).


Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

[email protected]  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,District 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長


Toastmasters International
Distinguished District by Points
You are viewing Weekly - June 2008 - Updated June 10, 2008 Report
僅附表(美區 Region 1-第一區成績做分析與自許)
地區總會 CC已達數 CC目標底數 得分 AC已達數 AC目標底數 得分
District 02 243 229 5.40 98 65 7.46
District 07 260 223 6.16 110 63 8.63
District 09 79 63 6.77 29 18 8.05
District 15 145 98 8.28 77 28 13.65
District 21 360 349 5.20 153 99 7.65
District 32 110 83 7.26 48 23 10.10
District 39 270 201 7.39 127 57 11.05
District 57 212 211 5.00 103 60 8.50
District 67 195 195 5.00 70 55 6.25