



各位 District 67 演講會會員大家好:
Dear Toastmasters 

多年來,由於台灣區各級幹部的努力,Toastmasters 社團在我們這塊土地上蓬勃發展,深根開?,在建立了District 67 之後,我們更進軍 Toastmasters International,我們有了 George Yen DTM,成為世界總會的 Director
Per the development in past years, the growth of Toastmasters in Taiwan has been so active and prospering due to the efforts of officers associated with clubs, areas, divisions and district.  After establishing our District 67, we even have had George Yen, DTM be one of Directors of Toastmasters International.

除了遵循世界總部的傳統與訓練內涵,我們在台灣地區更發展出多種語言的演講會,英文、華語、閩南語、客家話、日文、西班牙語等演講會,這在世界上的 Toastmasters 活動中是獨特而珍貴的。
In addition to following the tradition and training materials given and defined by the Toastmaster International, we even have developed diversified Toastmaster Clubs with different languages in Taiwan, namely, English, Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, Japanese, and Spanish, etc.  Such a kind of development is assumed to be very unique and treasure.

閩南語是一古老語言,目前世界上約有五千萬人口在使用它,它更是台灣文化的核心。為了在 Toastmasters的訓練架構下,再讓大家粹鍊地使用我們這種優美的語言,我們即將建立一全新的雙語演講會,叫

Taiwanese is a very old language in China, currently there are about fifty million people using it in the world, and is the main core of Taiwanese culture.  For the purpose of polishing the usage skills of your Taiwanese, we are going to build up a new bilingual Toastmasters Club, which is called 

(英文名)Taipei Atrium Toastmasters Club

The other official language is English.  By capably employing these two great languages, we will tightly apply Taiwanese into the modern life, such that Taiwanese will be more synchronizing with the present society.  On the other hand, skillfully using English will make us think in a more global way.  This is supposed to be a beautiful combination, do join us.

Before registering this new Club in HQ of Toastmasters international, we will hold two times of demo meeting in May.  The venue and time are:

會議地點:台北市新生南路一段144-2號三樓 (中國無線電協進會,新生南路上信義路仁愛路間,近信義路路口)
台北市新生南路一段144-2號三樓 (中國無線電協進會;新生南路上信義路仁愛路間,近信義路路口)

第一場場示範會議 (台語19:00, May 6) (議程即將寄出)
The first demo meeting: (Taiwanese
19:00, May 6) (Agenda will be sent out very soon)

第二場場示範會議 (English19:00, May 20)
The second demo meeting: (English
19:00, May 20)

(This is not a big venue, please give us an echo email in advance for us to prepare the seats and cake)


黃啟芳Ras Huang , DTM
[email protected]





Time Program Person in charge
18:45 Registration/Social with refreshments  
19:00 Meeting Called to Order (會議開始) Sgt. at Arms (會務)
19:05 Words of Welcome, Self-introduction (歡迎) President (總主持人代)
19:20 Program Briefing (議程簡介) Ras Huang (黃啟芳)
19:25 Prepared Speech (備稿演講) Ras Huang (黃啟芳)
  拜拜 (5-7 mins) Celine Du (杜姵齡)
  我在台北英語演講會的成長(6-8 mins) Lisa Wang (王菁慧)
19:45 Intermission (休息)  
20:00 Table Topics (1-2 min/each)   Marina Chou (周美華)
20:15 Evaluation Session (個別講評) (2-3 min/each) Kate Hsu (許蓓輝)
  Individual Evaluators 1 Emily Chen (陳小芸)
  Individual Evaluators 2 Lydia Lin(林麗莉)
20:25 Language Evaluation (語言講評) 田純菁
20:35 General Evaluation (總講評) Kate Hsu (許蓓輝)
20:40 Closing Remarks (結尾) President (總主持人代)

Meeting Adjourned (會議結束)