


Best wishes and great success to all those who gathered for the 2008 Spring Convention!  This is an exciting educational and networking opportunity which serves as the highlight of the District 67 year.  It also helped us work on our Distinguished District Plan (DDP) which includes CCs, ACs, new members and new clubs.  Special thanks go out to our Convention Chairs Trini Ding, Dr. Jap and Co chair Alana Chen, as well as all volunteers who helped make it happen.

Thank you for your dedication and service to our members and our entire organization.  

僅獻上滿滿的祝福及無限的敬意,至所有2008年全國春季大會與會貴賓們! 這也是極為附有教育與分工兼具的臺灣地區總會年度盛事,藉此亦可協助推展臺灣地區為傑出地區總會使命, 當然其主旨,不外乎在落實總會中級演講員, 高級演講員,新會員招募及新分會推廣之目標;在此特別感謝大會主席C部總監丁海華,H部總監葉振聲,副主席F部總監陳美如及所有夥伴們的努力,而促使本年度盛會得以順利成功.


''Master Yourself, Help Others!''  That's the way I think about our Toastmasters organization.  49 years ago, without the founder of Taipei TMC, Bennie Bough, and all the volunteers who helped make it happen, we could not have created our District.  It's like the spark which was ignited by them to create a flame, and then the growth began, then and there. We are very proud to say that there are now more than 125 clubs in Taiwan. We are coming off of our greatest year ever, yet we are in the process of breaking another record. 

Enthusiasm is contagious!  Your passion will infuse it with powerful energy.  We are all playing a part in creating history for our District 67. 

成就自我,造就他人! 一直以來, 都是本協會精神最佳的寫照. 若非49年前,在臺灣第一個分會(台北英文演講會)創辦人Dr. Benni! e ! Bough 及所有協助夥伴們的努力之下, 哪有如今蓬勃發展的臺灣地區總會,念茲在茲, 在其發光發熱的精神, 點燃了大家無比的熱情, 而當初播種的種子,如今已到處萌芽發展.非常興奮的與大家分享, 到目前為止, 臺灣地區目前一共有125個分會,這是前所未有的榮景, 我們也一直不斷在創新新紀錄.而您的熱力的支持,確是大家共同推動的橋樑,因為有你,我們正在持續締造著- 臺灣地區總會的另一個新歷史.    

Time flies!  We're almost 10 months into the 2007-2008 term.  Do you put your Toastmasters skills into play? Does your  club pay its dues?  Do you move forward towards your club's Distinguished  Club Program (DCP) goals? Thank you for all that you have done for our District 67.

Thank you for being shining examples of what this organization is all about: ''Shaping Ourselves..Shaping Our World!'' Isn't that Simply Amazing?  Helping others is part of the process of mastering ourselves.

Be the master of yourself, then give to others...you are what you resolve to be, right? ''Master Yourself, Help Others!''    

時間荏苒!本屆眨眼間已過了10個月, 不知各分會的進度如何呢?是有否享受到做中學, 學中做的箇中樂趣呢?半年費是否已繳交世界總會? 該傑出分會計劃是否順利執行完成?再度謝謝大家多日來的努力, 因為有您良好的典範,身先士卒的服務精神,更是我們的一大福音,亦結合世界總會年度主題: 雕塑自我, 擘劃世界! 如同神蹟般的出現亦同因果般循環的美妙. 的確施比受更有福! 讓我們一起,群策群力, 

Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

[email protected]  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,District 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長
