推廣副總會長當選人 楊冀光 的感謝 |
Dear Respectable Leaders:
敬愛的演講會先進: My heartfelt appreciation to you all for granting me the chance to serve you! I also want to salute my respectable competitor--- Grace Shih for her gentle manner throughout the election! 由衷的感謝各位給予我機會為大家服務!我也特別在此向我可敬的對手施惠芳會友在競選中所表現的優雅風度致上無比的敬意!
This will be a brand new milestone in my Toastmaster journey! I will do my best to shoulder my responsibilities based on the remarkable foundation laid by the incumbent LGM James Lin! Please provide me with your valuable suggestions any time so I can better serve you! 對我個人來說,這是參加國際演講會多年來的另一個里程碑!在現任推廣副總會長林義雄會友所奠下輝煌的基礎下,我會盡最大的努力承擔責任!請大家隨時不吝指教!
I am convinced that under the capable leadership of Marian Hsiao, District 67 will have another prosperous year! 我深信未來一年,中華民國國際演講會在新任總會長蕭敏環會友的領導下會更興旺茁壯!
團結向前行,你我一定贏! Sincerely yours, Mike Yang District Lt. Governor Marketing Elected 2008~2009 2008~09推廣副總會長當選人 楊冀光敬上 0922-347-162 |