



Dear Leaders,  

I am delighted to announce that our District Nominating Committee is officially organized. There are nine members of 2008 Nominating Committee were appointed by DG. Thank you for being setting good examples of what our organization is all about " Master Yourself,Help Others !" 

Along with my special thanks are due to our IPDG Steve Tung and these members who have taken up the challenge to serve in the 2008 District 67 Nominating Committee .

本人非常高興在此宣佈, 臺灣地區2008年總會幹部提名委員會正式成立,委員會所有九位成員已經本人確認並生效,此種精神亦樹立本協會" 成就自我,造就他人!" 的良好典範;在此特別謝謝這些日子來 董世瑜  前總會長及諸位先進的不辭辛勞與致力投身參與臺灣地區總會幹部提名委員會事宜.特此銘謝! 

2008 District 67 Nominating Committee
臺灣地區總會幹部 2008提名委員會

IPDG -Steve Tung ( Chair, Nominating Committee )
委員會主席: 前總會長 董世瑜  2006-07


Division A Governor:  Amanda Hu A部總監  胡淑惠 委員
Division B Governor: Jessie Huang  B部總監 黃錦雪 委員
Division C Governor:  Trini Ding  C部總監 丁海華 委員
Division D Governor:  Casey Lin D部總監  林玉瓶   委員
Division E Governor:  Josh Yang E部總監 楊智斐 委員
Division F ( Past CG):  Y.H. Chen 資深前總會長 陳泳華 委員
Division G Governor:   L.J. Lamb G部總監 L.J. Lamb 委員
Division H Governor:  Dr.Jap H部總監 葉振聲 委員

The work of the committee is critical in ensuring long-term district success.

They must: 

  Seek out prospective candidates  -  確定未來候選人
  Evaluate and interview candidates  -  審議候選人資格
  Nominate candidates   -  提名參選候選人
  Provide a complete report of candidates  -  提供候選人報告

(Which must be presented to district council members at least two weeks prior to elections)
所有已提名候選人資料,必須在本次選舉, 至少兩個禮拜前逕行公告.

Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

MSN  [email protected]  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,District 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長
