多麼豐碩的一月 |
What a
juicy month I've had! There are 31 days in January, and I visited clubs
19 days out of 31 days! That's the way I celebrated a history that has
lasted 50 years for our District 67. I also had the privilege of
witnessing so many other activities at the same time. I witnessed so many big events such as Taipei TMC's 50th anniversary, Advances Speech Training in NTUST, Sunshine TMC's 900th meeting, Distinguished Bilingual TMC's chatter ceremony, Pacific & Peace Japanese TMC's joint 10th anniversary, Ta Ren TMC's 10th anniversary, Division C & H Officer Training and Division F Officer Training. I benefited a lot from our VIPs: Bennie Bough, Past Council Governor ( Alaska) Jinlan Tomasic, Taichug's former mayor Lin Po-Jung, Past District 76 ( Japan ) Governor Mr. Inatsugi, and Japan's champion speaker Mr.Azuma, just to name a few. They are all setting good examples for us to ''Master Yourself, Help Others!'' 台北演講會的50週年慶, 假北科大的進階演講研習,祥祥英語演講會的 900次例會, 台中傑仕雙語演講會的成立大會, 平和及太平洋日語會的聯合 10週年慶, 達人演講會的 10週年慶,假石牌榮總舉行的 C& H部幹部訓練,假中壢舉行的F部幹部訓練等..真是獲益良多, 美不勝收! 尤其不辭辛勞遠到而來的貴賓朋友們: 前世界總會長 Dr. Bennie Bough (亦是 50年前, 臺灣第一個分會-台北英語演講會創會長), 阿拉斯加區前議長 Jinlan Tomasic,台中前市長林柏榕,日本區前總會長 Inatsugi 及去年日本區演講冠軍 Azuma 等的造訪,均是成就自我, 造就他人 !的最佳典範. I was especially touched by Bennie Bough, Mayor Lin and those VIPs' personal stories. Bennie Bough mentioned that when he first chartered Taipei TMC, at that time it only had 3 members, but since then it has created two District Governors and one International President (Bennie Bough served as International President from 1992- 1993.) Mayor Lin first joined JCI to campaign for Mayor of Taichung City; it was the skills he learned from JCI , the function as the same as our Toastmaster as well as the cradle for future leaders. 特別令我感動是,其中顯有人知的故事, 如何從最初僅有三人的台北分會, 到後來卻培育出兩位前本區總會長及一位前世界總會長( Bennie Bough 1992-93), 及當初青商會的參與, 後來卻成為台中市長-的前市長林柏榕, 都是成就自己, 造就他人!的最佳典範, 而本演講協會欲扮演著未來領袖的最佳搖籃. After those big events in early January, I visited many clubs such as Legacy TMC, YZU TMC, Cheer TMC, BID TMC, ACTS TMC, Sunshine TMC, DBTC TMC, Success Japanese TMC, Yamakawa Japanese TMC, Mega-ICBC TMC, ChungLi TMC, and several others. I was touched by each club's story. They are all the best of the best. It's like the spark they ignited to create a flame, and then continued to prosper. 除了上述所有慶典外,我亦拜訪了好多個分會, 如薪傳英語會,元智英語會,相見歡中文會,奔馳英語會,華普英語會,祥祥英語會,傑仕雙語會,成功日語會,山川日語會,兆豐商銀英語會,中壢英語會等等..每個分會均有其成功的故事,而背後的這些英雄們, 確是讓我們此份熱情持續延燒的貴人們. The most remarkable achievement is that under the guidance of our LGM James Lin and LGET Marian Hsiao, there were an additional eight clubs chartered: Distinguished Bilingual TMC, Medical GroupTMC, Top Bilingual TMC, Nantou Mentor TMC, Ovation Advanced TMC, Taichung Advanced TMC, Kaohsiung Medical University- Student TMC, and several others. Additionally, two new DTMs were born: Dick Fu and Webster Chiang in our District. Congratulations to all! 非常高興得知,本區在推廣副總總會長-林義雄及教育副總會長-蕭敏環兩位的帶領下, 進期亦有另八個分會已連續創立, 其分別為:傑仕雙語會,杏林英語會,高峰雙語會,南投良友雙語會,南開英語會,Ovation 進階演講會,台中進階英語會,高醫學生英語會等..,及兩位甫出爐的傑出會員們: 分別是傅憲成前總會長及江偉平前總會公關長.恭喜大家!
Yourself, Help Others!
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