恭喜 8個新會出爐! |
Dear Leaders, Congratulations! You have worked hard over the last six months as drawing upon your talents into a play . Thank you for being setting a good example of what our organization is all about: " Master Yourself, Help Others!" 恭喜大家! 也藉此機會謝謝各位幹部,這6個月來的辛勤努力, 您優秀的才能及卓越的領導, 不愧為 成就自我 , 造就他人 的良好典範! How lucky we are! Under the guidance of our LGM James Lin , and those charter presidents,sponsors, mentors and volunteers, etc...who helped make them happen . It's like the spark, which was ignited by them to creat a flame, and prospered then and there. There were eight clubs chartered in Dec.& Jan.( 2007-08) respectively. Congratulations! 很高興本區在推廣副總會長-林義雄的帶領之下及各位先進辛勤的努力, 如同小小的火點般,卻點燃了無限熱情與力量, 因而發光發熱..在此興奮的與大家分享, 去年末12月至今1月初, 臺灣地區總會又分別成立了8個新分會, 真是可喜可賀! I really can't thank them enough for their efforts, along with my special thanks are due to those volunteers who helped make them hapen.Please join with us to show our respects to them. Attached please find as the list FYI! Master Yourself, Help Others! 當然要特別感謝的是:所有新分會創會會長, 發起人,創會導師 及熱心的資深會友們; 由於您無私的付出,才得以創造無限奇蹟, 更重要的是幕後這些令人敬佩的功臣們, 由於您的指導,結合智慧與經驗的分享, 我們才得以美夢成真!在此獻上本人無限的敬意.做自己的主人, 成他人的貴人!
1. YH Chen, Dick Hu, Casey Lin, Grace Shih, 2. Charles Chan, Jessie Huang, Evan Wen, Allan Lo, Agnes Chang, Diane Chen