

Happy New Year ! 新年快樂!


Best wishes and great success to all those who gathered for our year-end celebrations!  To celebrate this festive season, there were lots of Christmas parties around District 67.  I felt priviledged and honored to be able to witness many of them, such as those held by Divisions C, E, F2 and F4, as well as a 5-club joint party (BID, TCG, ALE Elite, Innovative, and Excellence).  They were all excellent; each program was like a masterpiece.  I was especially delighted to meet lots of new members, and I was impressed and touched by their enthusiasm.  Marvelous! 

首先以無比祝福的心情, 在此多節慶的季節裡,祝福大家年節愉快; 這些日子來, 本人無比榮幸,有機會與各位好朋友共同參與多場年終聖誕盛會,計有C, E, F2&F4 部及 5個分會聯合聖誕聚會等..感受到大夥的熱情及青春洋溢般的歡娛,最重要的是認識到更多的新朋友. 

Aside from joining the parties, this month I was invited to visit many clubs, such as ACTS TMC, FJU TMC, Taiwan Futures TMC, Legend Advanced TMC, TCG TMC, BID TMC. Their performance has been marvelous beyond description! Under of the guidance of A3 Governor Iris Yeh and two coaches (Abercrombie Yang and Amanada Hou), Taiwan Futures TMC became a healthy club, and is on its way to becoming a Distinguished Club. Thanks to the guidance of F2 Governor Angel Houng and Guon-Zun Wu (Coaches), Huatan Bilingual TMC has already increased its membership from 8 members to 19 members, and this could be yet another Distinguished Club. Superb! 

除了聖誕聚會外, 本月份我亦分別拜訪不同的分會,例如:華普新分會, 輔大,台証,傳說進階,北市府,BID等分會,讓我會晤到甚多優秀新血輪,進而感受到許多無私無我的奉獻 高興得知台証在其 A3總監葉秀蘭的帶領及其楊銧煜(A3總監),胡淑惠(A部總監)兩位救援教練輔導之下已日漸茁壯,更朝向傑出分會目標邁進; 花檀分會在其 F2總監燕玲及恭讓(救援教練)的帶領之下, 亦由 8個會員成長到目前已 19個會員,更不可思議的是,在其 F2 & F4聖誕晚會上,卻達到單會最高出席率( 30位會友參加). 

Thank you for being shining examples of what this organization is all about : " Shaping Ourselves..Shaping Our World!" " Master Yourself, Help Others!" Thank you for all that you have done for our District 67. You have all worked hard over the last six months as leaders of our District. A good leadership team must continue to implement a solid plan, in addition to remembering that ''working smart is better than working hard."  Please do remember that our District's mission is to focus on recruiting new members, establishing new clubs, and achieving CCs and ACs. 2008 will be upon us, and we will have another six months to reach our goals.  Much can be accomplished in six months, if we follow our club's Distinguished Club Plan (DCP).  

各位在不同崗位上, 卻是如此盡責盡職,此種精神令人欽佩.亦深深反應著 成就自我,造就他人! 的精髓.謝謝大家這 6個月來的奉獻, 進而帶領所有會員们,推展追求總會的使命: 更多的新會員,更多的分會,更多中級,高級溝通員等...

2008已到來了, 其表示的另個含意,確是默默暗示著,僅剩 6個月的衝刺...祇要落實分會 DCP目標, 亦不難達成總會使命. 

In a few days, January 5, 2008 will be the 50th anniversary of Taipei TMC. It is a blessing for me that this is happening while serving as your District Governor for the 2007-2008 term, and I encourage you to join with us to celebrate it together.Think of  when you first joined your Toastmasters Club.  How did you get information about it?Who introduced you to Toastmasters? Probably thanks to some volunteers who used both good communication and Leadership skills, you realized that you too could benefit from our organization. By witnessing the celebration of this 50th anniversary, we simultaneously celebrate a history that has lasted 50 years for District 67.  

再過幾天, 1月 5日將是台北分會 50週年慶, 本人深感榮幸此盛會,恰巧發生在本人任期內,有感責任重大,念茲在茲, 更殷切盼望更多人的參與.也謝謝第一個台北分會的薪火相傳,中華民國國際演講協會才能逐漸茁壯成長.藉以慶祝的時分亦同慶祝本協會 50週年生日.感念我们周遭身邊的每位貴人! 

"Master Yourself, Help Others!" That's the way I think about our Toastmasters organization.  49 years ago, without the founder of Taipei TMC, Bennie Bough, and all the volunteers who helped make it happen, we could not have created our whole District.  It's like the spark, which was ignited by them to create a flame, and then the growth began, then and there. We are very proud to say that there a/! FONT>re now more than 121 clubs in Taiwan. Isn't that Simply Amazing?  Helping others is part of the process of mastering ourselves. Be the master of yourself, /! NT FO!>then give to others...you are what your resolve to be, right? 2008 promises to be a great year. Happy New Year!  

成就自我, 造就他人! 更是本協會精神最佳的寫照. 試想著...倘若沒有創辦人Bennie Bough及這些熱情奉獻的前輩们,哪來本協會的存在. 此小小的火點, 卻點燃大家心中無比的熱情與無限的希望, 50週年慶的最佳禮物,那就是本協會到目前為止已突破歷史的新高,已超過 121個分會,( 除了 4個已出來, 8個分會均已送件至世界總會審核, 藉此也特別感謝 LGM推廣副總會長-林義雄的的辛勞 ).所以呢? 2008年鐵定會更好, 藉此良辰美景順頌大家  新年快樂 !


Master Yourself, Help Others!
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)

[email protected]  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,Distrct 67 (2007-2008) 

中華民國國際演講協會 總會長
