


Dear Leaders,
I 'm very much obliged to you for your solid support, and can't express enough how grateful I am for your wonderful people's efforts.
We benefited a lot from your knowledgeable experiences and led by your action and business savvy .Your performances are marvelous beyond description. Thanks a million!
As to the term 2007-08, I am very honored to have so many outstanding associates working with me. They are all the best of the best as well as drawing upon their talents into practice. Enthusiasm is contagious! Your encouragement will definitely infuse it with energy.
It is not where we are, but where we are going that counts. Doing the right things and doing the things right are the two most important factors, and will lead our district to another great heigh! It's our term to do the best that we can be while helping others to be the best that they can be. Master Yourself , Help Others ! Let's welcome the team 2007-08..... 
筆墨難於形容心中無限的感激, 謝謝這些日子來大夥的辛苦. 藉此再度深深大家的支持, 也謝謝您一年無比的奉獻. 時間飛逝! 又到了世代交替的時刻, 而責任義務卻是無比重大; 幸而此刻, 有這麼多且這麼好的夥伴真情相挺, 更幸運的其均為一時之選,相信他們的才情定能為我們67區帶來更大的成長與茁壯.但更重要是各位先進的支持才是大家前進的動力;做中學,學中做; 一直都是我們的精神, 身為國際演講協會的成員,更可以藉此助人助己, 挑戰自己的差點,容忍他人的差點, 進而做自己的主人,成他人的貴人.成就自我,造就他人!
也請一起為總會2007-08的團隊.加油 !
District 67 Roster 2007~2008    
Title Name 姓名 TM Position e-mail Cell phone
District Governor 總會長 Jack Tsai 蔡銘吉 DTM [email protected] 0932-168-169
Lt. Governor ET 教育副總會長 Marian Hsiao 蕭敏環 DTM [email protected] 0922-432-230
Lt. Governor M 推廣副總會長 James Lin 林義雄 DTM [email protected] 0932-820-190
IP District Governor 前總會長 Steve Tung 董世瑜 DTM [email protected] 0937-047-543
Secretary 秘書長 Candy Sun 孫錦華 ATM-S, CL [email protected] 0910-056-861
Treasurer 財務長 Susan Hsu 徐瑞瑩 CTM, CL [email protected] 0926-294-680
PR Officer 總會公關執行長 Ching-Hui Chang 張慶惠   [email protected] 0910-078-326
Northern PR 北部公關 Mike Yang 楊冀光   [email protected] 0922-347-162
Central PR 中部公關 Diane Chen 陳鳳眉   [email protected]  0921-850-640
Southern PR 南部公關 Doris Liu 劉秀珠   [email protected] 0935-950-768
Eastern PR 東部公關    Houng Su-Jen 洪淑真   [email protected] 0928-638149
PR Advisor 公關顧問 Webster Kiang 江偉平   [email protected] 0938-218-667
Head of PR Team 公關執行長 Luna Chiang 江美君   [email protected] 0928-236-804
Honorary PR 榮譽公關 Gordon Brooks 劉國棟 ATM-B [email protected] 0927-324-078
Overseas PR 海外公關 Lydia Huang  黃怡平   [email protected]


Internet Officer 網路長 Robert Chou 周鈞豪   [email protected] 0928-295-919
Internet Engineer    網路工程師 Steven  Chung 莊士勇   [email protected] 0928-230-290
Speakers Bureau Chair 講師團主席 Jim Tolford 錢藝士   [email protected] 0936-103-110
Parlimentarian 議事執行長 Edward Chen 陳英明   [email protected] 0955-260-216
Translation Committee Chair 翻譯委員會主席 Peggy Chang 張珮瑩   [email protected] 0968-787362
  協會秘書長 Vicky Huang 黃麗蓉 CTM [email protected] 0939-186-734
Div A Governor A部總監 Amanda Hu 胡淑惠 ATM-S, CL [email protected] 0920-69-480
Div B Governor B部總監 Jessie Huang 黃錦雪   [email protected] 0910-236-851
Div C Governor C部總監 Trini Ting 丁海華 DTM [email protected] 0937-893-135
Div D Governor D部總監 Casey Lin 林玉瓶 ATM-S [email protected] 0928-734-399
Div E Governor E部總監 Josh Yang 楊智斐 ATM-B, CL [email protected] 0961-181-599
Div F Governor F部總監 Alana Chen 陳美如 CTM、CL [email protected] 0921-921-356
Div G Governor G部總監 L.J. Lamb   DTM [email protected] 0956-806-831
Div H Governor H部總監  Tjin-Shing Jap 葉振聲 DTM [email protected] 0933-875-447
Master Yourself, Help others! 成就自我,造就他人!
Jack Tsai 蔡銘吉 , DTM    Cell phne: 0932168169
www.toastmasters.org.tw     Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
District Governor ,Distrct 67 (2007-08) 
中華民國國際演講協會 總會長 2007-08