




Dear Leaders,

Canadian Society and ICRT will do a large beach party on the next Saturday June 30th. The event is to celebrate the Canada national day but
everyone is welcome. There will be lots of activities and they are looking for 10 volunteers from Toastmasters Clubs to help. More details can be seen at the website
This will be a good opportunity for the members to practice the team work spirit and English ability by working with different nationalities. They, moreover, will get the opportunity to explore all the excitement on that day! Since time is running out, would appreciate if you could forward this message to your club officers at your earliest convenience and
reply to me who wants to be 10 of the volunteers before 6/27(Wed). Thank you!

加僑協會跟 ICRT將在下週六(6/30)下午1:00-11:00,在台北白沙灣盛大舉辦海灘派對。本次活動主要是慶祝加拿大國慶,但開放給有興趣參加者。由於當天活動眾多,現公開徵求 10位演講協會的會員擔任志工。您可造訪活動網站 http://www.canadiansociety.org/events/events_070630.shtml,得知相關訊息。本次活動,對於 10位志工而言,將提供絕佳的機會跟來自不同國籍的人一同合作,訓練團隊精神與英語溝通能力,並有機會盡情享受更多活動樂趣! 由於時間緊迫,煩請您儘快將此訊息轉寄給各幹部並再 6/27()之前告知我願意擔任志工者名單,謝謝!

10 Volunteers Wanted:
徵求 10位志工:

1.Benefits to be a volunteer 好處:
  Buy a ticket NT$400, and it includes food and entertainment.  You are also given an extra 5 food/drink coupons and the T shirt.
元門票,包括免費餐點跟餘興節目,另外加送 5份食物/飲料卷及一件T!
2.Working time & items 工作時間與項目
   Work a 4 hour shift. You are free to pick the time slot between 1pm~11pam. You are also free to choose the serving items(food serving, coffee area, bar area, parking lot and security
任意挑選 111點當中任何連續 4小時時段,可選擇擔任餐點區、咖啡區、吧檯區、停車區或是安全檢查哨區服務。
3.Tickets 門票
  Tickets are NT$500 at the gate or in advance are $400. Buy Your Advance Tickets Now at: HOLA home furnishing stores throughout Taiwan, Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, The Tavern, Capone's, Alley Cat's Pizza, Bar 45, Brass Monkey, Bongo's, California Grill, CODA, Citizen Cain, Sababa, Capone's, Cosmopolitan Grill , Canadian Alumni Network, Canadian Education Centre Network, Canadian Society in Taiwan, Carnegie's, The Diner, ICRT Radio, Grandma Nitti's Kitchen, J's Place, Le Sommelier Wine Merchants, or Wine Experience.
當天購買為 500元,提前購買優惠價 400元。您可以在以下指定通路購買到票: ICRT電台、全省和樂家居館、加拿大在台辦事、加僑協會、The Tavern, Capone's, Alley Cat's Pizza, Bar 45, Brass Monkey, Bongo's, California Grill, CODA, Citizen Cain, Sababa, Capone's, Cosmopolitan Grill , Canadian Alumni Network, Canadian Education Centre Network,Canadian Education Centre Network, Carnegie's, The Diner, Grandma Nitti's Kitchen, J's Place, Le Sommelier Wine Merchants, or Wine Experience.

Luna Chiang,
Head of District 67 PR Team

[email protected]