




Dear Leaders,

The eligibility of contestants has been questioned by many officers. Indeed,  this is frequently a misunderstood point,In case of confusion about the issue, all contest chairmen are responsible for checking  it. The following is a gentle reminder - FYI!  

關於比賽選手的資格性此議題 - 本人已多次接到詢問的確 ; 有些地方是誤解的焦點為了避免不必要的情事發生請各級比賽長務必落實參賽者資格審查在此提供經常性疏忽因子 - 僅供參考!  

The following are ineligible for competition in any contest:

1. Incumbent international officers and directors.

2. District officers (governor, any lieutenant governor, public relations officer, division governor, area governor,
    secretary, or treasurer) whose terms expire June 30.
現任臺灣總會各級幹部 ( 總會長教育副總會長推廣副總會長公關長部總監分部總監
總會秘書長、財務長 ),其任期至 6 30 日者

3. International officer and director candidates.

4. Immediate past district governors.
前一任總會長( Dick Fu )

5. District officers or announced candidates for the term beginning the upcoming July 1.
已宣佈參選 - 臺灣總會下屆各級幹部候選人

6. Presenters of educational sessions at the area, division, district, regional and/or international event at which the
    contest will be held.

7. An individual may not be a judge at any level for a contest in which they are still competing.
禁止球員兼裁判參賽者不能擔任同一發生時期任何比賽裁判 ; 例分會分區總會等 )

8. Past international speech contest winners.
贏過該單項比賽最高榮譽者例世界冠軍( 倘若該單項並無任何世界性比賽 - 則視台灣區冠軍者為依據 ) 

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to let me know.
任何疑問, 歡迎來函賜教

Commitment to Success 
信守承諾 堅持成功
Jack Tsai 蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)
MSN  jack.formosa@hotmail.com  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
Lt.Governor Educ.& Training ,Distrct 67 (2006-2007) 

中華民國國際演講協會 教育副總會長

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