




Work with your body(肢體表演)
Having a speech with good organization and wonderful idea is great, but blending it with facial expression, emotion and body language would even make it exquisite.  Learn the art of body language directly from Mr. Sterling Hsiao, the guru for dramatic presentation. 

Course includes:   
Storytelling demonstration
Facial expression and emotion training
Stage introductory and proper usage
Body movement
Voice Training


This two and a half hour course is designed to be as interactive as possible with 3 exciting activities including warming, affiliation and group exercise.  Slots are available to only 25 people. 

The Art of Evaluation(講評藝術)
Evaluation session is one of the most important events in a toastmaster’s club meeting.  This is where people get their advices on how to deliver a better speech and acquire tips on proper grammatical usage and presentation.  Such an important event requires a heavy-weight instructor like LJ Lamb to guide us on how to give valuable advices for the prepared speeches.   

Course includes:
Evaluation Introductory
Functions of Evaluation
Promote Self-Esteem
Build Positive Evaluations
Making Effective Evaluations 

講評藝術由 2005 67 區講評冠軍 LJ 擔任,課程安排由 5位學員上台做 3分鐘演講,另由其他 10 位學員擔任初評,再由講師負責指導初評者之講評技巧與改善其缺失,以達到提昇講評技巧之目的。
This two and a half hour course is to be conducted in an unusual way as there are five speakers who will deliver a 3 minute speech, five evaluators for each speaker and another five evaluators for the evaluation of the previous evaluators. 

Effective Listening如何有效率
God has given us a pair of ears and one mouth for us to listen first before we speak.  In an evaluation session, it’s important to be able to thoroughly comprehend the speaker’s speech.  Without effective listening, you won’t be able to give proper advices to the speaker.  Let Helen Chen, the English Speech Evaluation Contest Champion at the 2006 Fall Convention, lead your way to the exploration of the art of listening effectively. 

Course includes:
Differentiation of hearing and listening
Concentration and Enhanced Memory
Listening Skills Interaction 

如何集中精神、有效率地聽,由 2006 67 區講評冠軍陳海倫擔任本課程,如何聽取演講精崋、內容重點等,並加以記憶與進行後續工作(如講評等)。
This one and a half hour course is one of the hottest programs offered in this workshop.  Register now and be an effective listener! 

Think on Your Feet (即席演講)
Table Topic Session -the most thrilling and frightful event.  Don’t know what to say?  Don’t know how to say it?  This one and a half hour course guides you through on challenging mental task and ability to think quickly.  

Course includes:
Warming up Session
Brainstorming Session
Education Session
Impromptu Speaking
Buzz Session 

2003 年即席演講冠軍,幽默大師 Harrison lee 主講,如何以腦力激盪方式構思、幽默地表達講題之旨意並克服即席演講之恐懼。

360 Degree Presentation(全方位表達技巧)
Gestures, Composure, Body Movement, and Stage Flow constitute over 60% of the audience’s overall impression towards your speech.  Often, we are much concentrated on our speech’s contents that we overlook at these small details.  Speeches can be made even better when you can apply these four criterions especially with step by step guidelines from Dr. Huang.

Course includes:
Each participant will present a 3 min mini-speech at own chosen topic and present in front of group and camera. We will video-taping your performance for the trainer’s 360 degree feedback session later on. 

2.5小時全方位演講技巧,由 2006年講評亞軍黃照寰博士擔任,每位學員做 3分鐘演講並錄影,再由黃博士以其傑出的演講技巧,做全方位(身體移動、手勢、走位)指導,以精進演說技能。 

This two and a half hour course …. Slots are available to only 25 people.