




Dear Club Officers:

District 67 shall hold a Club level contest for the web-site contents in March 2007.
總會將在明年三月舉辦 分會網頁比賽

Some club may wonder that they don’t have IT proficient member to service the web site.  Actually, there is free software written exclusively for the Toastmasters Club operations, including, membership roaster, agenda, etc.  Any interested non-technical member can learn and to key in the information and use the software.
各分會不懂網頁技術的會友 亦可以使用免費的專門為演講分會設計的軟體來編輯分會的網頁

The District PR Action Team and the Internet Officer will hold a workshop in mid-January, 2007 to provide hands-on training on how to use the free software.   After the training, you will be able to key in the contents the club provided and join the competition without any handicap.
總會公關和網際網路執行長 將在
96年1月14日星期日下午1 - 5 點,於台北市中山南路一號  立法院群賢樓三樓  電腦教室舉辦一場網站使用說明會” 

In order to design the training workshop to suit your need, we wish you to give us some suggestions.  A survey form is attached, please fill it out and send back to:
每一分會請填一份問卷 回郵請寄

District PR Officer: Webster Kiang at [email protected], or
Workshop Trainer:  Justice Liao at [email protected]