





The issue of sexual harassment has been raised in our council meeting. In case of confusion about the issue,I will be responsible for announcing the policies & procedures VIF1 , the Code of Ethics and Conduct for Toastmasters Internaional. Please forward this message to your club members. 
性騷擾議題- 已在全國代表大會提起為避免混淆 ; 本人有責在此宣導世界總會規章( VIF1),請務必傳達此訊息至貴會會員以確保個人權益

Toastmasters International maintains a strict policy prohibiting all types of harassment , including sexual harassment. This policy prohibits sexual harassment in any form, which includes inappropriate touching, lewd jokes,displaying explicit or sexually suggestive material,or repeated unwelcome requests for a sexual or dating relationship, for example. 
世界總會明文規定禁止任何性騷擾行為其包含 : 不當的碰觸猥褻的戲謔言語等公然陳列性暗示物品圖書或不受歡迎的騷擾性邀約行為等.....

Violation of this standard, or of any other standard contained in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, may subject the individual to removal from club membership , and/or removal from service as an officer at club,district or international level, and /or removal from good standing with Toastmasters International. 

Commitment to Success
 信守承諾 堅持成功
Jack Tsai 蔡銘吉 , DTM (0932-168-169)
[email protected]  Skype: jack.tsai.dtm 
Lt.Governor Educ.& Training ,Distrct 67 (2006-2007) 

中華民國國際演講協會 教育副總會長
