


飢餓 12 體驗營

1.To experience the hunger of the victims in the developing countries.
2.To challenge the Toastmaster love for others in poor and difficulty circumstance.
3.To practice all the skills we learned in Toastmasters.
Reference website: http://pay.worldvision.org.tw/wvt30hf/17_30hf/registration/p1_1.php
Date: September 2, 2006 (Saturday)
Time: 0830-2030 (12hours)
Taipei City Library 台北市立圖書館建國總館11F 
11th Floor, No. 125, Sec. 2, Jian Guo S. Rd. Taipei.
Participants: 40 persons limited
Host Club: Sunshine Club, Area 3/ Division H
Registration: Please email to Ms. Julia Chou ([email protected])   by Aug. 29, 2006
Requirement: Registration fee NTD100 (donation to WVT) plus a joke





時間 內容   時間 內容
~0830 Register   1345-1415 Debate Session 1
0830-0900 Social Time/Self introduction   1415-1445 Debate Session 2
0900-0950 Keynote Speech   1245-1250 Language Evaluation
Break   1445-1500 Break
1000-1115 Speech Marathon 1   15:00-1730 Movie Time & Discussion
1115-1125 Break   17:30-1800 Break
1125-1240 Speech Marathon 2   18:00-18:30 Evaluation Workshop
1240-1245 Language Evaluation   18:30-19:30 Evaluation Contest
1240-1300 Take a rest!   1930-1940 Break
Joke Session   19:40-2010 Table Topics
1320-1340 Story telling Marathon   2010-2020 Sharing & Reflection
1340-1345 Break   2020-2030 Closing
※ Without solid food eaten, only liquid & water permitted in the whole day activity.
※ A certificate will be mailed to you for the completion of program by World Vision.