


前總會長 馬德亮先生 競選演說

Jerry Ma, ATM Council Governor 1997-1998 Saturday, July 12. 1997 in Kaohsiung

Dear Fellow Toastmasters.

July 1997 is a significant time for all Chinese people, a symbol of renewal and change for the better to different Toastmasters clubs, and now it is also a historic moment for me in my life.

I feel very much honored to be able to serve as Council Chairman and Governor of R.O.C. Territorial Council. Toastmasters. International. My deep appreciation and sincere thanks to my fellow Toastmasters for your support and endorsement. As I said in the installation ceremony. I accept the challenge and promise to perform my duties to the best of my ability to be deserving of your trust.

Tracing back to 1980, when I first joined Taipei Toastmasters Club 18 years ago there were only 4 Toastmasters clubs in Taiwan - namely, Taipei, Grand, Tainan and Kaohsiung Toastmasters clubs.

Now, due to the excellent leadership and guidance of the Toastmasters pioneers, and the dedicated service of many talented and committed members. Toastmasters movement in Taiwan has been growing continuously and successfully. And now the number of Toastmasters clubs has amounted to 32 in our country. And many more new clubs are in the making.

For years of observation and exchange of ideas in the Council, We find that all Toastmasters leaders with foresight and vision have built the consensus that to achieve district status in the common goal for the Council and also for all the member clubs on this island.

To achieve this mission, we need the participation and dedication of all the members. Here I would like to share with you the theme for the year 1997 - 1998 -  Dedication, Development and District.

The three D's of our theme represent a new dimension in Leadership, Education, Action and Development. Those of you at the ceremony last year will recognize Y.H.Chen's theme of LEAD.

During his term of offices, Toastmasters in Taiwan has made a very important entry into the internet with our own home page. During our journey into the three dimension of this year's theme, Dedication, Development and District, we'll play a more important role in Toastmasters International and will win better recognition in our country.

To become district, we need more clubs, to sponsor more clubs, we are required to dedicate ourselves not just to self-development and personal growth but also to the sound development of the ROC Territorial Council. Dedication to development will bring us to our goal of becoming a District.

We are very close to achieving the Provisional District status of 36 clubs, and then District status of 60 clubs. Starting today, beginning now, let's work together, Jointly and unitedly, dedicate ourselves to the development of Toastmasters in our country and for the early accomplishment of district status.

My hearty congratulations to all officers of the club, the area, the division and the Council for your success and achievement. I urge all my fellow Toastmasters to look beyound ourselves, to look beyound our club and to be more involved in the activities of your area, your division and your council as well.

All in all, my dear fellow Toastmasters, the voice of the menbers will be the voice of the Council. R.O.C. Territorial Council will always be the one of the members. by the members and for the menbers. That's what we can assure you in my term of office.

Ladies and gentlemen! Toastmasters is a land of opportunity, which is avail-available to everyone. Toastmasters is a door, which is friendly open to all individuals. Toastmasters is also a promise that each member must keep.

So long as we continue to dedicate ourselves to our development and growth, I'm confident that the Council will continue to develop, to grow and to achieve its mission and goals.

Masters of the ceremony!

Editor's Note

1. My. Jerry Ma joined Taipei Toastmasters Club in Dec. 1980, and became an officer of the club the next year.
2. For the organization of an advanced club, his menbership was transferred to the China Toastmasters Club on June 4, 1985 as a charter menber.
3. In 1990, he was elected the President of the Taoyuan Toastmasters Club, term of offices from January 1, 1990 to December 31, 1990.
4. On August 16, 1985, he sponsored the Taoyuan Toastmasters Club, then Chungli Toastmasters Club and Hsinchu Toastmasters Club in December 1994 and January 1995 respectively, Recently, he is giong to sponsor a new Toastmasters club at Ford Lio Ho Motor Company in Neili, Taoyuan.
5. He served as Governor of Area 4 From 1989 to  1995 and Lt. Council Governor Education and Training from July 1, 1996 to June 30,1997. He was elected Council Governor at the Council Meeting in Taichung on March 23, 1997.