Dear Toastmasters
We have to appreciate
PR team's devoted efforts in promoting Toastmasters island-wide.
首先感謝總會公關團隊在江偉平執行長的用心安排下 將國際演講會在全台灣發聲
The live interview by
ICRT FM:100.7 is scheduled as follows,
1. July 17
(Monday) from 8:30 a.m. District Governor Steve Tung will be
interviewed by Rick Monday.
7月17日星期一早上 8:30 總會長 董世瑜接受 Rick Monday 專訪。
2. July 24 (Monday) from 8:30 a.m. Area 1 Givernor L.J.
Lamb will be interviewed by Rick Monday
7月24日星期一早上 8:30 A1區總監 L.J. Lamb 接受 Rick Monday 專訪。
3. July 31 (Monday) from 5:30 p.m. District PR Webster
Kiang will be interviewed by Emily David.
7月31日星期一下午 5:30 總會公關 江偉平 接受 Emily David 專訪。
Island-wide Toastmasters Clubs might have some guests from the ICRT
audience, when they visit your clubs, and told you that they are ICRT
audience, you may recruit them as your members and don't collect their
registration fees, thanks!
若有一些從是 ICRT 聽眾到 貴會訪問,您可以邀請他們入會,也請 貴會提供優待,不要收取他 /
Commitment to Success
Steve Tung. DTM
District Governor, D67
董世瑜 敬上
Cell: 0937-047-543