

                 德州監獄中的國際演講會   2006-7 A部總監 周國芳翻譯


Dear fellow toastmasters, 

One of the endearing benefits in campaigning for ID is the opportunity to speak to toastmasters around the world.  This week I had the good fortune of speaking with Max Rasquinha IPDG of D56 in Texas.  What attracted my attention to Max is that he started 5 TM clubs in Texas prisons.  Attached are the feedbacks from the toastmasters members in prison which I thought is worth sharing. 
競選世界總會職務的好處之一是可以與全球的會友交談,本週我非常幸運能與 Max Rasquinha (德州 56區前總會長)交談, 引起我注意的是,Max 在德州監獄創立了五個分會,附件是值得與大家分享的獄中會友回饋。

We take many things for granted.  For prisoners, they see the value of Toastmasters in a more vivid life transforming light. 

It has been the dream of Jorie & I to start TMC in prisons.  I would like to invite those who share the dream to step forward to help create a new dimension in District 67.
咨杏與我一直以來都希望能在獄中創立演講會,在此我誠摯的邀請大家共襄盛舉,為 67區跨出新方向!

George Yen, DTM,
IPDG, D 67, Taiwan
Candidate for ID 2006-8
[email protected]


Max E. Rasquinha, DTM,
Immediate Past Select Distinguished District 56 Governor,
Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
May 31, 2006. 

To: All members of Stairway to Heaven Gavel Club, Houston, Texas. 

Dear Friends, 

When I handed over to you two weeks ago a Questionnaire requesting your personal and individual comments on the benefit of joining the Toastmasters Organization, I did not realize that I would be the recipient of such spontaneous responses from most of you.  They are all heart warming and inspiring.  I would like to reproduce herebelow some of the comments expressed by you in your responses, not only for your information but also for the benefit of sharing these messages with so many well-wishers that are anxious to learn your welfare in life. 

My question was : 〝Why am I happy to be a Toastmaster?〞, and some of the comments expressed in your responses that I wish to reproduce are as follows: 

〝Nice to be a leader and not a follower,  〝Right to express my opinion freely,
很高興能成為領導者〞 、〝有自由表達意見的權力

〝I get a grasp of the people
, 〝I can prepare for job interview〞,
我能夠擁抱群眾〞 、〝我可以準備好工作面試

〝I am willing to change and go forward in life〞, 〝I have come to know more about life〞,
我願意改變生命、繼續前進〞、 我更認識了生命〞

〝I know now how to help people〞, 〝I am learning how to communicate〞,
〞 、 我要學習溝通〞

〝Its a blessing to be a part of the group〞,〝I am able to speak my mind〞,
〞 、我可以說出心裡話 〞

〝Never before I had a chance to be part of the group〞,〝Nice to hear the stories of others〞,
加入之前從未有過如此的感受〞、 很高興傾聽他人的故事〞

〝Toastmasters taught me how to prepare first〞, 〝Speaking before lots of people is a gift〞,
我學到了準備 〞 、能夠在眾人面前演說是一種恩賜 〞

〝I am not afraid to tell people about my life〞,〝I am not scared to speak anymore〞
我可以坦然的 講述我的人生 〞 、 我再也不害怕與人交談〞

〝I have now overcome my stage fright〞, 〝Fellowship is great〞,〝Brings fellowship〞,
我克服了上台恐懼感 〞 、友誼 萬歲 〞 、 我得到了友誼

〝Ability to speak in front of your co-workers before you retire〞, 〝Provides professional attitude〞
〞 、〝提供專業看法

〝Creates competition〞, 〝Toastmasters will build you up and not tear you down〞,
〞 、〝在演講會裡得到了尊敬

〝You can tell people how good God really is〞, 〝Love to be around good people〞,
〞、樂於與 好人為伍 〞

〝Always good to meet people〞, 〝I like people win, and I like me win too〞,
見到許多人的感覺真好 〞、〝 我喜歡看人贏,也喜歡自己贏

〝Helps me to change my bad ways〞,〝I endure through my struggles〞,
改掉我的壞習慣〞、使我不斷地奮鬥 〞

〝Thank you for sharing your time〞, 〝I am able to share my thoughts with people〞,
感謝您陪著我〞、 我可以與人分享我的想法〞

〝Toastmasters is a good program〞, 〝The weekly program is making me a better  person〞,
演講會是個好團體〞、 每週的聚會都讓我成長〞

〝I am able to use better language〞, 〝Its a new experience〞,
我學會了優雅的語言 〞 、新的感受 〞

〝I am excited to be a part of the World wide Organization〞,
我很興奮能成為國際組織的一份子 〞

〝New skills that I can use in my daily ordeals〞, 〝Its a real challenge that I learn by speaking〞,
〞 、〝從演講中我遇到了真正的挑戰

〝I like watch people speak, specially for the first time〞, 〝I am able to expand my outlook in life〞,
我喜歡看人們講話,尤其是第一次上台的會友〞、擴大了我的視野 〞

〝I shall receive more than I give in this group〞,〝I can also help others in their speeches〞,

〝我得到的比付出還多 〞 、 我也可以在演講方面幫助別人〞

〝I can now speak fluently and confidently〞, 〝Thanks for your time, concern, love and patience〞,
我可以自信、流暢地演講〞、感謝您的時間、關懷、愛及耐心 〞

〝Your integrity and dignity shows your standing in God〞.
顯示出您 是站在神聖的一方〞


Through your above expression of sentiments  you are making us feel humbled.  As we are learning more and more about you, we are confident that God will watch over each one of you and protect you,  so that you may soon enter the 〝real world〝 and be the lucky recipients of all that is destined for you to be happy and successful in all that you plan to do in the future.
真實的世界〞 ,在未來的計畫中得到屬於您的幸福及成功 。


                                                                                                                                                              Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                                                                            Max E. Rasquinha