


即席演講 研討會




「美國偉大的演講」系列 (Great American Speeches: 80 Years of Political Oratory) 彙集了二十世紀美國歷史上經典的演說。片中前白宮新聞秘書 Jody Powell 提供背景說明與分析。本系列共分三次播放。內容包括羅斯福總統的演講,麥克阿瑟將軍的”老兵不死”,甘迺迪總統的就職演說等。並邀請台中市康乃爾英語學校外籍老師在五月二十日上午十點至十一點四十分時解說並示範如何做好即席演講,當場贈送即席演講秘訣講義。本系列影片欣賞時間為:

5/  6 (週六): 上午10:00-11:40  
5/13 (
週六): 上午10:00-11:40
5/20 (
週六): 上午10:00-11:40

地址:國立台中圖書館 台中市精武路 291-3 號 1樓參考室  電話:04-2226-1105 分機 123  美國資料中心


Tape 1

  Theodore Roosevelt Bull-Moose campaign 1912
  Robert LaFollette, Sr. On Responsible Government 1924
  Franklin D. Roosevelt 1st Inaugural Address 1933
  Charles E. Coughlin Roosevelt or Ruin 1933
  Charles E. Coughlin Madison Square Garden rally 1935
  Huey Long Universal Newsreel Broadcast 1935
  Huey Long Share the Wealth 1935
  Eugene Talmadge    speaks to Jeffersonian-Democrats 1936
  General L.K. Smith  The bug-grumping politicians 1936
Franklin D. Roosevelt Grilled Millionaire, 1938
Franklin D. Roosevelt Declaration of War 1941
Franklin D. Roosevelt Teamsters’ Union banquet 1944
George S. Patton Urges war support 1945
John L. Lewis The blood of our workers 1947
Douglas MacArthur Old Soldiers Never Die 1951
Richard Nixon Checkers” speech 1952
Joseph McCarthy attack on Fred Fisher, Army-McCarthy hearings 1954
Joseph Welch defense of Fred Fisher, Army-McCarthy hearings 1954
Richard Nixon “Ampex” Kitchen debate 1959
Hubert Humphrey addresses farm workers 1960
Tape 2
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address 1961
John F. Kennedy American University speech 1963
John F. Kennedy Ich bin ein Berliner 1963
Martin Luther King, Jr. When a man has already died 1965
Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have a Dream 1963
Malcolm X Easter speech in Harlem 1964
Nelson Rockefeller platform attack 1964
Barry Goldwater Extremism is no Vice 1964
Ronald Reagan A Time for Choosing 1964
Robert F. Kennedy on the death of Martin Luther King 1968
Barbara Jordan Watergate statement 1974
Ronald Reagan 1st Inaugural Address 1981
Mario Cuomo Democratic National Convention speech 1984
Jesse Jackson political rally, Tendley Baptist Church 1984