


B1 分區 戶外開講


After passing through the great "Fall in Love" convention in Taipei last weekend, here comes Area B1 promotional activity in Taichung.
在經歷了濃醇的"愛在深秋"秋季大會之後,現在輪到 Area B1要在台中辦個初冬的戶外聯合推廣例會。
I  am glad to announce that Area B1 Outdoor Joint Meeting will be held at NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCE (DNA Square) on December 10 (13:30~16:00pm).
我很高興在此宣布,B1區戶外聯合例會將在 12 月 10 日下午 1 點半至 4 點,假台中國立自然科學博物館(DNA戶外階梯廣場,靠近西屯路這一邊)舉行。
This joint meeting is a promotional activity for letting more people to know Toastmasters.
This meeting is conducted by TTC, WTC, AUTC, YunTechTC in Area B1. Thanks Club Presidens, EVPs and some officers' support to this activity.
Please forward this message to your club members and tell your friends who interested in speaking in English come to this activity on the day.
Step out of  the Comfort Zone 跨出舒適的領域
Cory Chen, Area B1 Governor




日期: 94年12月10日下午13:30-16:00  
地點: 國立自然科學博物館DNA戶外階梯廣場 (西屯路方向,靠近博館路)
主辦: 中華民國國際演講協會 B 分部  
合辦: 財政部臺灣省中區國稅局  


時間 內容 人員
13:30 Reception TTC+WTC+ ALE+YTC
13:30 Reception TTC+WTC+ALE+YTC
13:50 Warm-up Frankie Wu(WTC)
14:00 Opening Amy Yeh(TTC)
14:05 Program introduction Jessie Lee,CTM( TTC)
  Timer Emma Lin(ALE)
  Ah counter Sherry Tsai (WTC)
  Grammarian Estela Chen (TTC)
14:15 Joke Telling Angela Hsu(WTC)
14:25 Manual Speeches Jessie Lee,CTM( TTC)
  Speaker 1: Assam Chen (C6)   It is Time   (ALE)
  Speaker 2: Jessica Jane (C10) Survive, Surpass, Success! WTC)
  Speaker 3: Sukarsan Laukaban (C3)   Blood Donor  (TTC)
14:55 Table Topic( I) Claire Chen(WTC)
15:10 Table Topic(II) Vitinna Yang (WTC)
15:25 Evaluation & Assistants' Reports Eva Wen (AUTC)
  Evaluator 1: T.S.Hsieh(TTC)
  Evaluator 2: Denzel Luo (ALE)
  Evaluator 3: Michael Chang(WTC)
15:45 Guests' Comments Jessie Lee,CTM( TTC)
15:50 ClosingRemarks Jessie Lee,CTM( TTC)
15:55 gifts for answer the right question Leeky Lin(NTACT)
16:25  Saying Farewell & Adjournment Amy Yeh ,CTM(TTC)