



Hello! Good morning!
It's fall. The most comfortable season of the year. My theme is "Step out of the comfort zone." Yes, we might enjoy the cool and windy weather. However, we still have to look back. To evaluate if we fulfill our commitment, if our achievements are satisfy?
秋天了, 是一年最舒適的季節, 今年的主題"跨出舒適領域", 是的, 我們在享受涼爽微風的天氣, 不要忘了, 往回頭看看, 評鑑一下我們是否達到當初的承諾, 對我們的成就滿意嗎?
If the answer is "no", or not good enough, there are only 7 more moths to go to reach our goals as a Distinguished Areas, Divisions, and District.
如果答案是"不", 或是"還不夠好", 也只剩下7個多月去達到我們的目標了, 也就是達到優良分區, 分部, 甚至地區總會.
I am very happy that Marian, the chair of Fall Convention, told me there will be more than 600 member had been registered. It's might be another milestone of Toastmasters in Taiwan. Thanks to all members from Division C. I would like to Fall In Love with all of you.
我很高興蕭老師, 秋季大會籌備會主任委員, 告訴我說, 有超過600名會員報名參加秋季大會, 在台灣地區這又可能是一個新的紀錄, 在此特別感謝C分部的各位會友, 很高興能與各位談戀愛.
Recently, all Governors would focus some things as follow;
目前, 所有總監們必須注意以下事項;
1. To evaluate every single clubs, call or face to face to every single club president, to find out their need, and to give them a hand, and to make them to be the distinguished club or above.
  檢視所有的分會, 打個電話, 或是親自見個面, 看看他們需要什麼, 幫助他們, 並且協助他們達到優良分會或以上的獎項.
2. To find out the leaders to be the governors next term in your areas, divisions.
    在你的分區及分部裡, 找出下任的領導者, 擔任分區及分部總監2006-2007.
See all of you in fall convention, fall in love with you.
Step out of the Comfort Zone
Dick Fu
District Governor, D67 2005-2006
[email protected]