



ear Toastmasters,  
Greeting from Jack Tsai. Here's the news from Chinatrust commercial bank.
We are pleased to know that Chinatrust commercial bank is going to have a 
demo meeting on Oct. 5 ( Wednesday ), it starts from 6:30 - 8:40.  

Venue: Chinatrust Commercial Bank Headquarters   12F, No.3, Sung-Shou Road, Taipei 

銘吉再次與大家問候,順便告知中國信託商業銀行將於 10 5 日星期 三 晚上 6:30 8:40 舉辦英語示範會議歡迎有興趣者共襄盛舉也謝謝A部夥伴們的努力

時間: 105日星期三, 晚上 6:30 8:40

地點中國信託商業銀行 總公司  臺北市松壽路 3 12  

Step out of Comfort Zone
Jack Tsai
蔡銘吉 , ATM-S, AL (0932-168-169)
Lt.Governor Marketing ,Distrct 67 (2005-2006) 
中華民國國際演講會 推廣副總會長




時間   節目 人員
18:30 30’ 報到、接待 Chinatrust Commercial Bank
19:00 1’ 會議開始 SAA  
19:01 5’ 會長致詞及介紹來賓 Webster Kiang President
19:06 3’ 總主持人 Gloria Chou Sponsor
  1’ 計時員 TBA Ale Elite
  1’ 贅語記錄員 TBA Prestige
19:11 19’ 即席問答 TBA Chinatrust
19:30 25’ 指定演講    

指定演講 #1 -  (C1) The Ice Breaker - Topic: TBA

Victoria Wang Chinatrust

指定演講  #2 -

Emily Lee Ale Elite

指定演講  #3 -

Andrew Hong Chinatrust
19:55 10’ 中場休息    
20:05 25’ 講評時間 Ron Chen Div A. Gov
  1’ 計時員第一次報告 TBA Ale Elite
  2-3’ 個別講評 #1 Candice Lo Sponsor
  2-3’ 個別講評 #2 TBA Prestige
  2-3’ 個別講評 #3 Steve Wu Mentor
  1’ 計時員第二次報告 TBA Ale Elite
  4-5’ 語言講評 L.J. Lamb Mentor
  5-6’ 總講評 Ron Chen Div A. Gov
  1’ 贅語記錄員報告 TBA Prestige
20:30 5’ 來賓回饋 TME  
20:35 5’ 頒獎閉幕 Webster Kiang President
20:40   散會    

Club Officers 2005-2006

President Webster Kiang   [email protected]
VP Education Eric Stanley 02-2722-2002 #6664 [email protected]
VP Membership Sun Lim 02-2768-0505 #8505 [email protected]
VP Public Relations Andrew Hong 02-2722-2002 #3092 [email protected]
Secretary Victoria Wang 02-2722-2002 #6637 [email protected]
Treasurer Eugene Lin    
Sergeant-at-Arms Andrea Hsiao    
Internet Officer Romeo Peng 02-2768-0505 #1294, 0939-975-199 [email protected]