




94年 9 月 10 日 星期六 13:30-17:00PM

地點: 北市吉林路 100 號 三 樓 (中國國際商業銀行總行 多媒體室 )
語言: 英語為主、國語為輔
費用: 新台幣 100元
請儘速回覆 9 月 3 日前
  Vincent Kuan: (M) 0920-699-981   [email protected]
Amanda Hu:   (M) 0920-619-480   [email protected]

- New members – Come to the orientation designed just for you !!

Now you have paid your membership fees and received your new member kit, you have no time to read the manual and you think your first ice breaker was a disaster. You are still confused about the meeting roles and wonder how others managed to become such impressive and confident speakers. 

您已繳了會費,也收到了會員手冊,如果您沒有時間閱讀手冊,而您的破冰之旅 - 第一次演說又遜斃了。您對會議中所扮演的角色一無所知,納悶別人是如何辦到的如此有自信,如此令人印象深刻。

Join us for a special afternoon to help you learn about Toastmasters
And the inside scoop on where to go from here!

時間 內容 人員
13:30 Registration 報到 Receptionists, TBA
14:00 Call meeting to order 會議開始 SAA, TBA
14:05 Welcome 致歡迎詞

Division A Governor
Ron Chen, ATM-B

14:10 Opening 開場白

Orientation Master
Ronald Wiplinger, ATM-G/CL

  Timer 計時員 TBA
14:10 Toastmasters Organization 國際演講會組織 Helen Chen, ATM-S/CL
14:20 A Toastmasters Journey 國際演講員之旅 Edward Chen, DTM
14:35 Meeting roles 會議角色 L.J. Lamb, ATM-G/CL
15:15 Take the Terror out of Your Talk 消除演講恐懼 Ron Chen, ATM-B
15:30 Selecting Your Topic 選擇題材 Alice Chen, ATM-B
15:45 Intermission 中場休息  
16:00 The Leadership Track 領導系統 Julius Yeh, CTM
16:10 Going Beyond Your Club 分會以外活動 Steve Chiu, ATM-B
16:25 Small Group Q&A 小組討論 問與  
16:50 Appreciations 感謝 Helen Chen, ATM-S


Closing remarks 結語 Ron Chen, ATM-S
Designed for new members of 6 months or less, welcome members from other divisions
Registration before Wed. (Sept. 7):
Div. A, Assistant Governor of Marketing Amanda Hu, <[email protected]>, 0920-619-480 
1. 捷運:紅線中山站下車,轉搭公車  
2. 公車:12, 282, 266, 292, 288, 306, 307, 605, 622, 652  
3. 下車站牌:南京吉林口  
4. 停車場:  
  A. Lin Shen Park underground public parking: 20NT /hour (林森公園地下停車場)
  B. Shin Shen North Road below the highway pass: (新生北路高架橋下)
  C. Closer to ICBC: Parking building: 60NT/hour (愛馬屋立體停車場)
