跨出舒適領域 | ||
中華民國國際演講協會 | ||
幽默演講及講評比賽研討會 上課講義 |
日期: |
94年 9 月 4 日 星期日 13:30-16:40PM |
地點: |
客家文化會館 信義路 三 段 157 巷 11 號 4 樓,捷運大安站附近 |
Conduct quality speech contests | |
Evaluation Contest Rule | |
Humorous Speech Contest Rule | |
Let's Be Humorous | |
Let's Do Evaluation | |
會場錄音 14.1MB 2小時13分鐘 | |
Q&A 問與答 | ||
About Evaluation…..關於講評….. |
1. |
How to point out the actual
strengths and weaknesses from speeches exactly? Any tips? |
PJ Yang: | About strength,
let's focus more on the positive side. Listening attentively and observing
properly will help you find out the strengths of the speeches. Meanwhile,
try to use more encouraging comment. Talking about the weakness, point out
the areas for improvement in a specific way. Don't say “I think you did
not do a good job”. Instead, “If next time you can prepare more and
rehearse at your home, so…..” will be a proper approach. |
楊培傑: |
關於演講的優點,我們可以從肯定的角度切入,專心傾聽與仔細觀察將有助於發掘演講本身的優點,同時,多使用鼓勵性的字眼;至於缺點,明確指出演講者可以改善的部份,千萬別說:「我覺得你的演講糟透了!」,試著說:「如果下次你可以多做準備,在家多多練習,則...」。 |
2. |
What if the test speaker is
almost perfect? |
PJ Yang: | No one is
perfect because everyone still has areas for further improvement. However,
if you cannot find the weak points of the test speech, just forget about
the so-called sandwich approach and focus more on the strengths, weave it
in a development approach and summarize your conclusion in the end. You
can use rule of 3 to tell how excellent the speech is. It's not necessary
to pick out the weaknesses every time. Maybe it's better to forget all the
tips I just told you. Because everybody knows the basics, so this provides
you a chance to do something different.
(audience: what about 30%
recommendation in the judging criteria?) Good point!! Recommendation does
not mean that you only focus on the weaknesses and improvement. If you
really cannot find out any single point for improvement during that
limited time, then why bother yourself to think of any weakness, which
will bring you a minor result? Pay more attention to the strengths and you
can build more confidence. Then your presentation will be different. |
楊培傑: |
沒有人是完美的,總是有可以改進的空間,但是,如果你真地找不出示範演講的缺點,就乾脆忘了那三明治講評法,而多留心演講的優點,一步步說明,最後加以總結。比如你可以列出三項優點(Rule of 3)來點出演講精湛之處,而不是每次都非得要挑毛病,也許你就乾脆忘記我剛才提到的那些秘訣,因為大家都已熟知這些基本技巧,說不定你應該選擇跳脫既有模式而做不一樣的嘗試。 (觀眾問:「建議」在評分標準中佔百分之三十呢?)問得好!建議指的並不是說你只能談缺點或待改善之處,若是你在有限的時間內真地找不到任何需改進的地方,那麼又何必硬要想破頭去擠出個缺點,最後卻對你的參賽得分沒多大助益?此時不妨多留心演講的優點,那麼你會更有自信,講評的效果也能與眾不同。 |
3. |
Can I bring my notes to the
lectern? |
PJ Yang: | Usually it's
better not because it'll distract the connection between you and the
audience/judges. In a contest, you should apply your eye contact, body
language, gesture to build up the connection. But, if you really need to
bring notes, for example, you write it on your palm (hidden notes), you
should be very skillful using them or you'll get yourself in trouble. |
楊培傑: |
通常不建議講評參賽者帶筆記到台前,因為可能會干擾你和觀眾以及裁判的互動,你應該善用眼神、肢體語言及手勢拉近你和他人的距離,但是,如果你真地要帶筆記,比如說,將筆記寫在手心上,那麼你在運用時要小心,否則反而自找麻煩。 |
4. |
What if I miss some parts of the
test speech? |
PJ Yang: | Nobody can
remember everything. It's hard for contestants to include every point from
the beginning to the end, so why bother mentioning everything? Do remember
to think before you are going to talk about what the three key items you
want to mention. Use your observation and build good connection between
you and audience, speaker, judges and build it up more, and this will give
your more chance to win the contest. |
楊培傑: | 沒有人可以記住所有的內容,所以要參賽者從頭到尾記住每一點簡直是難上加難,那麼又何必要去說明每件事呢?要記住,開口講評之前,要想清楚你要談的三個要點。仔細觀察,並設法讓觀眾、演講者、裁判都能和你產生一種互動,並予以強化,那麼你就有機會勝出。 | |
About Contest Rule…..關於比賽規則 |
1. |
In the In-House contest, do we
have to let contestants fill in the speaker's
eligibility form ( or it's only for higher levels )? |
Amanda Hu: |
This is optional in Club
Contest. A club can just nominate its candidates, so only the Area level
and above require the speakers to fill in the form. However, it's better
for the contest chair to make sure that all the contestants understand the
definition of eligibility, so a winner won't be disqualified if s/he wins
all the way to the District and then the eligibility is denied. |
胡淑惠: | 由於每個分會可以不用經由比賽而指定參賽人選,所以只有分區(Area)以上才需要填寫,但是比賽主席(Contest Chair)最好還是確定所有參賽者明瞭何謂參賽資格及演講原創性,以免某位參賽者在一路過關斬將後卻被判定資格不符。 | |
2. |
If I am invited to be the
contest judge, can I still attend the contest on behalf of my club? |
Amanda Hu: | No. It's
possible for you as a judge to influence the result of the contest because
those contestants are your future competitors. So, do not accept the
invitation to be a judge in other club contests if you want to be a
contestant at the same time. |
胡淑惠: | 千萬不可。由於那些參賽者將是你的競爭對手,你的參與評審將很可能影響比賽的結果,所以你一旦要繼續代表分會參賽,就一定要避免擔任裁判。 | |
3. |
Please explain “equipments use”. |
Amanda Hu: |
Many are microphones, and you
can come to the venue earlier to test on your voice volume. Other
equipment use can be poster, visual aids. If you really need to use them,
then you can test on the equipment before the contests begin. But some
speakers use too may props, and this cannot bring good effect because
there's too much distraction for the audience when the speaker is busy
getting in the things s/he wants to present. |
胡淑惠: | 通常指的是麥克風,參賽者可以提早到達比賽場地測試音效,其他的還有掛圖以及視覺輔助器材。如果真地要使用這些設備,應該在比賽開始前進行測試。不過,有些演講者使用了過多的道具,一直忙著搬進搬出,反而適得其反,干擾了觀眾的注意力。 | |
About Humorous Speech…..關於幽默演講….. |
1. |
How early did you prepare for
your speech? |
Tom Ashby: | About 2 weeks
for club contest. Then I used the same speech topic and kept going back to
change the jokes, making new jokes. |
湯若望: |
我是在會內比賽前二週開始做準備,然後使用同樣的講題,並不斷修改笑話,增加新的笑點。 |
2. |
How many times do I need to
practice? |
Tom Ashby: | I don't know. I
practice and practice until I don't have to think. I time myself. I
memorize every word, every joke and become confident. |
湯若望: | 我也不清楚。我本身是反覆演練,直到我不用再去刻意思考就可以自然說出,我為自己計時,牢記每個字、每個笑話,直到我充滿信心。 | |
3. |
How to find a place to practice
without interruption? |
Tom Ashby: |
Good question! I've got the key
to my office, so I went to my office on Sunday. Although my wife knows I
am practicing at home, I'm still so conscious. If you can find a place
like that, like MRT station, you can practice on your own. Warner Village
could be another choice. |
湯若望: | 好問題!我通常是利用像今天這樣的週日到辦公室練習。雖然平常在家,我老婆知道我在練習,但我還是會有點不好意思,所以如果你可以找個地方,比如說捷運站,也許華納威秀也是個好地點。 | |
4. |
Can I translate a joke from
Chinese stories? |
Tom Ashby: |
If it's already a joke for a
Chinese story, don't do it. It's not original. It's a cliché. “Trust me,
you can make it”? This is not funny anymore. |
湯若望: | 如果是將中文笑話翻譯成英文,就別做了吧,因為沒有原創性,只是另一個陳腔濫調,比如說 Trust Me, You can Make It 已經不好笑了。 | |
5. |
Can I use jokes on internet? |
Tom Ashby: |
You might be able to quote some
jokes. But, someone in the contest was disqualified because he used a lot
of jokes on internet. Keep it original. Try rule of 3. In my championship
speech, I applied five or six of rule of 3. And use exaggeration. You can
make it up. |
湯若望: | 你或許可以引用某些笑話,但的確有人使用了過多網路笑話而失去參賽資格,所以一定要維持演講內容的原創性!比如說,你可以列出三項事情(Rule of 3),像我當初拿到幽默演講比賽冠軍的講稿內就有五至六次運用了三的規則,另外,還可以加以誇張,甚至自己編造。 | |
6. |
How do you know it's funny or
not? |
Tom Ashby: |
You can tell if people are
laughing. I gave evaluation forms to whom I knew and got their feedback. |
湯若望: | 可以從觀眾的笑聲來判斷。拿我自己來說,我就準備了講評表給我認識的人,請他們寫下對我演講的意見。 | |
About How to Conduct Contests…關於舉辦演講比賽… |
1. |
The difference between “Contest
Chair” and “Contest Master”? |
Helen Chen: |
For club contests, maybe the EVP
could be the contest chair ( suggested in the EVP handbook, meaning
finding contestants, printing certificates/ballots, etc ) and finding
another member to be the contest master ( like finding a TME ). It is of
course, possible, for the Contest Chair to be at the same time a contest
master. However, for the area level, the contest chair will always be the
area governor ( this is specified in the area governor handbook ). It is
recommended that the area governor find another person to host the meeting
as contest master. The contest chair probably has many things to think
about, including making sure everything is fair, taking protests, making
sure of eligibility/originality, briefing and reminding other people ( SAA,
timer, judges ) of their roles. It's very difficult for the contest chair
to be at the same time as contest master from my own experience. It's
always better to have 2 people ( contest chair and contest master ) doing
these things. Contest chair has greater authority and can decide when
there's a protest. Contest master cannot accept protests or make
any decisions ). |
陳凱倫: | 在分會的比賽,也許教育副會長本身就可以擔任比賽主席一職,負責找參賽者、印製證書及裁判評分表…等,再找另一人擔任比賽主持人( 如同例會總主持人),當然,主席也可以同時身兼主持人。但是,在分區的比賽,根據區總監的工作手冊,一定是要由區總監擔任比賽主席,並另外找人主持比賽,因為主席有太多事要處理,包括確認比賽的公平性、處理抗議的情況、確定參賽者資格及內容原創性、提醒其他工作人員,所以一人很難身兼二職,最好就是由兩個人分別擔任比賽主席(Contest Chair)以及比賽主持人(Contest Master),前者有較大的權力,在爭議發生時有決定權,後者無權處理爭議或下任何決定。 |