跨出舒適領域 | ||
中華民國國際演講協會 | ||
A部 第一次 幹部咖啡聊天座談 |
日期: |
94年 8 月 27 日 星期六 13:00-17:30PM |
地點: |
台北市北投區石牌路 二 段 115 號 9 樓 ( 里民活動中心 9 樓 ) |
語言: | 英語為主、國語為輔 |
請儘速回覆 | 8 月 20 日前 |
Julius Yeh : (M) 0933-928-481
[email protected] |
As club leaders, you will be working in teams and listening will be an
important part of both leadership and communication skills. Toastmasters
is more than just delivering speeches!
Join us for a
special event and coffee chat with other Presidents & EVPs
! |
節目表 |
時間 | 內容 | 人員 | ||
13:00 | Registration簽到 | Monica Lee | CTM | |
13:29 | Call meeting to order 會議開始 | Tony Lee | CTM | |
13:30 | Welcome 致歡迎詞 | Ron Chen | ATM-B | |
13:32 | Opening 節目開始 | Jasmine Liao | ATM-S | |
Timer 計時員 | ||||
13:35 | Working in the Team Environment 團隊環境下的合作 | L.J. Lamb, | ATM-S | |
Introduction 說明介紹 | ||||
Developing Team Relations (+ 10' Exercise) 發展團隊關係 | ||||
Encouraging Commitment 鼓勵的承諾 | ||||
Fostering Collaboration 促進共同合作 | ||||
Building Trust 建立互信 | ||||
Resolving Conflict (+ 20' Exercise) 解決衝突 | ||||
Conclusion 結論 | ||||
14:25 | How to Listen Effectively 如何有效地傾聽 | Helen Chen | ATM-S | |
Introduction 說明介紹 | ||||
Importance of Listening- Exercise A (groups of 3)
傾聽的重要性 |
Listening and Hearing 傾聽與聽 | ||||
Situations- Exercise B ( individual ) 情境 | ||||
Evidence 現象 | ||||
Technique 1: like to listen (+ 8' Exercise C- groups
of 2) 技巧一:喜歡傾聽 |
Technique 2: ignore distractions (+ 10' Exercise D-
3 groups) 技巧二:避除分心 |
Technique 3: summarize 技巧三:結論 |
15:15 | Intermission 中場休息 | |||
15:25 |
Technique 4: control emotions 技巧四:控制情感 |
Technique 5: eliminate judgments 技巧五:去除審判 |
Exercise E (individual)練習 | ||||
Technique 6: never interrupt, understand 技巧六:決不打斷 / 插話 瞭解 |
Technique 7: inspire openness 技巧七:公開激勵 |
Exercise F (groups of 2)練習 | ||||
Technique 8: acknowledge need to listen 技巧八:認知來自傾聽 |
Technique 9: generate conclusions 技巧九:產生結論 |
Exercise G (individual))練習 | ||||
Summary & Conclusion 結論 | ||||
Evaluations 評論 | ||||
16:15 | Coffee Chat - Clubs' Presidents and VPEs 咖啡聊天時間 | Clubs' Presidents and VPEs | ||
Experience Learning & Shareing … 經驗分享 | ||||
Team Work/Resources/Support/Joint … 團隊工作/資源/支援/結合 | ||||
Open Discussion … 開放討論 | ||||
17:25 | Appreciations 感謝 | Jasmine Liao | ATM-S | |
Closing remarks 散會 | Ron Chen | ATM-B | ||