



國際演講會要歡慶八十歲生日囉 !

In October 1924 when Ralph C. Smedley started a public speaking club in the basement of the Santa Ana YMCA in California, he wasn’t planning on creating a movement.

192410,史麥德利 博士在美國加州聖塔安娜YMCA的地下室成立了第一個演講會;他當時也沒有預料到這個演講會組織會如此迅速的全面展開.

But what began as a simple means of training young men to give eloquent after-dinner toasts and speeches has developed into the world’s leading organization devoted to teaching communication and leadership skills.


With its headquarters still in Southern California, Toastmasters International – now with approximately 200,000 members in 10,000 clubs in 90 countries – is celebrating its 80th anniversary during October 2004 with clubs worldwide conducting various special events in their communities – including activities by the very first club, Smedley Chapter One, in Santa Ana, California, on October 19.

國際演講會總部仍設在南加州,目前在九十個國家成立了一萬個分會, 總共約二十萬個會員,全世界各分會將在今年十月以不同的活動方式歡度國際演講會八十週年慶.當然也包括1019日在 史麥德利 博士在美國加州聖塔安娜所創立的第一個分會之系列慶祝活動.

Since that first club started in 1924, Toastmasters International – a nonprofit, educational organization – has helped more than four million men and women become better speakers and leaders. Toastmasters groups can be found in domestic and international government organizations, in state and local agencies, in Fortune 500 companies and in many educational institutions, as well as in a variety of community organizations, military bases, hospitals, prisons and churches.

國際演講會這個非營利性的教育組織,1924年創立第一個分會以來,已經幫助超過四百萬個會員成為更好的演講員和領導人;而國際演講會分會也普遍設立在各地方及國際的政府組織,財星雜誌列名之五百大企業,教育團體,社區團體,軍隊, 醫院,監獄和許多的教會團體織當中.

As many college graduates are finding out, public speaking skills are necessary to land a job or advance a sagging career. In fact, the ability to communicate is ranked first among personal qualities of college graduates sought by employers, in a recent survey of 360 companies and public organizations by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.  In the survey, “honesty/integrity” ranked second, and traits such as “interpersonal skills, motivation, work ethic and teamwork skills“ shared third place. The survey also found that, when asked what skills and qualities new college graduates are most likely to lack, survey participants cited communication skills.

許多大學畢業生更發現,具有良好的公眾演說能力是找到好工作和職場升遷必備的條件;在最近由美國大學暨雇主協進會針對三百六十家企業和政府機構之一份調查報告指出:良好的溝通表達能力是企業聘僱大學畢業生之首要考量因素,誠實和正直名列第二;而人際溝通,良好動機,工作倫理和團隊合作則分佔第三名;這份調查也發現:當被問到大學畢業之新鮮人最可能缺乏之技巧為何? 所有受訪者之回答竟然都是 - “溝通表達技巧”.

Toastmasters International President Jon Greiner, a Toastmaster for 32 years, credits his own career advancements in large part to his Toastmasters training. “While the idea of speaking in front of an audience intimidates most people, it’s a skill anybody can learn,” says Greiner, who is a product support manager for Caterpillar Inc’s global mining division. “Our organization is full of people who have changed their lives for the better thanks to becoming more confident communicators,” Greiner says.

世界總會長 葛萊納先生任職於凱特必拉公司之國際採礦部門之產品支援經理,加入演講會32,並歸功其能在職場之升遷,大部分是受惠於演講會的紮實訓練,尤其一上台發表演說時更是人人稱羨,他說其實這種技巧每個人都可以透過參加演講會之例會及各種活動學得,在我們演講會到處都是因對溝通表達展現的信心而大大改善了她/他們的生活的會員.

Toastmasters offers a “learn-by-doing” education program in which members hone their skills in a supportive club atmosphere. A typical group has 20 members who meet weekly to learn and practice public speaking techniques. There is no instructor; instead, members evaluate each other’s presentations.



The effectiveness of this simple learning formula is evidenced by the approximately 5,000 corporations that sponsor in-house Toastmasters groups as communication training for employees.

The Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Janice Lachance, encourages federal agencies to sponsor Toastmasters groups and says: “The Toastmasters experience can help employees gain the necessary skills to speak, listen and think in ways that broaden their abilities and help create a skillful and talented workforce.”

而目前約有五千家企業在其公司內部成立了國際演講會分會以作為該公司員工之溝通技巧訓練場所, 更在在證明國際演講會這種簡單的學習模式是具體而有效的; 美國聯邦政府人事行政局處長 珍妮絲 就非常鼓勵各聯邦政府機構成立國際演講, 她指出參加國際演講會的歷練可以幫助員工獲得必要的 如何說 及思考的能力並可以為組織訓練出更熟練且質優的工作團隊”.


Changing Lives One at a Time

改變生命   逐步成就

Empower and Achieve

激發潛能   成就大我




Steve Tung, DTM

董世瑜 敬上



Lieutenant Governor Marketing

Toastmasters International, D67


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