



今年要選的年度部總監,年度區總監及年度風雲人物,是非常困難的決定,因為每位幹部都是非常優秀,都值得當選。所以今年我們除了在秋季大會頒發三位世界總會要求的幹部,為避免太多遺珠之憾,選了五位優秀的幹部,頒發今年 District 67特別貢獻獎。
1. 年度部總監:J部總監 劉祖菁 Gina Liu
2. 年度區總監:J3 區總監 李雲貞
3. 年度風雲人物:昇華會員 林定蔚

- 認識祖菁部總監的會員都知道,祖菁是一個完美主義追求者,每件事情都會做的十全十美,祖菁是6/1/2012參加台北傑人中文演講會,歷任會長,區總監,2015-2016 擔任J部總監,她創了很多奇蹟,不但是總會長傑出分部之一,他們今年還創立了(演講精進系列工作坊)由邱羽立負責,以分會巡迴方式,嘉惠會友。J部今年的HPL (高效能領導)計畫, 也達到有二十人完成,幫忙了一項是非英文會最弱的課程。幫 J部會員完成他們 DTM的夢想,有特殊的貢獻。最後,也是最重要的是 J部2015-2016成立了兩個新會(雞籠台語及東海日語)誠屬不易。如今J部從三個區成長到了四個區。我們誠心地感謝他的貢獻及祝福她在演講會更上層樓。

- 雲真區總監是我見過最認真的區總監之一,在我舉辦的 HPL 上課中,他不但自己每場都從台中趕到台北,還帶領了其他幾位日語會的資深幹部來上課。雲真在1999年加入台中日語,曾經擔任過分會的每項幹部職務及擔任會長。在他的區總監任內,我們有榮幸看到東海日語分會的創立。每次當我看到雲真就覺得她的堅定,她的努力,她的好學不倦,感染了所有他周邊的會員,今年J3區所有的分會都成為優秀分會,真的為她感到驕傲。希望未來雲真可以用他的領導能力,幫忙日語會登上高峰。

- 今年的風雲人物非林定蔚莫屬,我最記得定蔚說的一句話:每次比賽他都要修稿五十次,練習兩百次,每次在家附近的土地公廟前練習,都要等土地公面露微笑才可回家。定蔚的八冠王之稱,其實是ㄧ點一滴的努力搭建而成,他自從2010年參加昇華進階中文演講會,正如他說的演講會對他的演講有著很多的幫助,尤其是資深會員如王玉梅等的無私分享。所以現在定蔚把這個無私精神延續下去,不但在國內,定蔚馬不停蹄的到高雄,到台中,台北各地分享他的學習經驗,更在2015年的第四屆華夏風情冠中冠贏得冠軍。為我們 D67演講會爭光。希望他能以他的經驗,輔導出更多優秀的講師。

今年我們還特別頒發了五位 D67 特殊貢獻獎
1,楊冀光 Mike Yang, DTM, 永不休息的傑出會員。輔導過無數新,舊會,是很多會員的精神上父母,也是教育更新委員會(Pathway)的主席。在我這三年擔任總會職務以來,北部創了將近二十個會,Mike永遠是我最安心的支柱。

2,吳慧妮 Simone Nash, DTM 把演講會當成他的心愛寶貝,去年在高雄的秋季大會大家都感染到他的熱情與奉獻。D部今年也在 Simone 的領導之下獲得了最高榮譽--總會長傑出獎。

3,周鈞豪 Robert Chou, CC, CL 號稱演講會的公務員,幾乎許多重要演講會的活動,你都可以看到他的身影,自從2002年鈞豪接掌網路長一職,日以繼夜,他的熱心與努力以及十五年如一日的精神,我想我們都很難做得到的。

4,簡德浩 Howard Chien , CC 德浩是一位難得的年輕會員,他的音樂造詣在今年D67的快閃活動中,使大家吃了一顆定心丸。多年來他曾經擔任春秋兩季大會主講人的中英口譯員,承受壓力,讓在場的貴賓與會員們讚不絕口。德浩對幫忙新會成立,也是全力以赴。

5,林念青 Lester Lin, DTM 在英文會幾乎沒有人不知道 D67 講評最厲害的高手之一就是Lester, 也許因為 Lester 生於國外,也許是因為英文是他的母語,只要時間允許,他總是在各新會中穿梭當講評。並且在春季大會當我們最需要幫忙的時候,他主動貢獻他的資源,讓我們感謝萬分。

祝褔 每位會員
2015-2016 總會長 張可芸敬上

Thank you for your support during the year 2015-2016, we earned the highest honor. In President Distinguished District Award. Our district 67 ranked number 11 among 100 districts. We received this award during Toastmasters International Convention at Washington D.C. in August.

Toastmasters International Magazine in October (page 8) published our big project Flash Mob, we asked you to take a look and try to help to promote it. All the members who listen to it told me they are so touched when they looked this performance. YouTube Link:http://youtu.be/YiV4HItR1eM

Last year, D67 gave an impressive performance, our Fall Conference in Kaohsiung was well liked by all the attendee, our Spring Conference at Grand Hotel draw about 1000 people, among whom, 200 guests were from Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Hong Kong, China, USA and Indonesia. Our team also co-sponsored the fifth Asian Mandarin Contest among all the countries listed above.

One day before the Spring Conference, April 29, 2016, we have 100 TM members organized a Flash Mob at Taipei Main Station as a warm-up to the conference, which includes singing of three songs and one lively dance. This event was recorded and uploaded onto YouTube, it has been viewed about 100,000 viewers. This activity also was published at our international magazine in October’s issue. If you have not seen it, make sure do not miss this great show.

All these great activities, honor belongs to our officers and members. Salute to my sweet members, I love you all.

It has been very difficult to elect our Toastmasters of the year, for division, and area. All leaders and members are great. Here are the winners for our Toastmasters of the year:
1. Division Director of the Year : Director of Division J – Gina Liu
2. Area Director of the Year : Area J3 Yun-Jang Lee
3. Toastmasters of the Year : Eric Lin (Sunflower Advanced Toastmasters Club)

- Gina Liu, her duties as division director chartered two new clubs also her division received president distinguished division. Gina organized “Refining Speaking Training Workshop”, series featured by William Chiu which were held among the clubs within Division J. This training benefited numerous members within and outside of the divisions. She organized two HPL programs, and recruited 20 members to help her division’s members to finish their DTM journey.

- As to Yun-Jang Lee, her contribution this year included chartering the Tunghai U. Japanese Club. She also came from Taichung to attend the HPL program in Taipei to support her members from Japanese clubs. She received president distinguished area this year, all of her four clubs received distinguished status.

- Our Toastmasters of the year, Eric Lin is an extraordinary member, he not only won 8 trophies for National and International Mandarin Speech Contests, and also lectured in numerous locations throughout at Taiwan to help our members to learn from his experiences.

This year we also appreciate these five members for their “Distinguished Services to Toastmasters D67, they received “D67 Distinguished Services Award”

1 , Mike Yang, DTM Forever young gentleman Mike is our best friend to many clubs especially student club, his passion and persistence to TM well received our respect.

2. Simone Nash, DTM, supervised by her terrific leadership role when she took the office of director of Division D. She supervised the Fall Conference in 2015 with surplus and good feedback. Simone received president distinguished division last term.

3. Robert Chou, Robert served as Webmaster since year 2002, for 15 years he consistently spend day and night trying to keep our website correct and up-to-date, we appreciate he did for us for last 15 years.

4. Howard Chien, He served so many times as the translator for our conference VIP speakers, and also he is the main character at our Flash Mob program. He helped so many new club demo meeting whenever he was available.

5. Lester Lin, DTM Everyone at our English Club knows Lester Lin due to his enthusiasm and passions to Toastmasters D67, he serves as evaluator to help many new members to learn how to be a good public speaker under his feedback. He offers his help even before you asked him. He is a good role model for all of us.

Please join us at our Fall Conference in Taichung and congratulate these eight heroes that I mentioned above. Thank you.
Immediate Past District Director Caroline Kiang, DTM