

Dear Leaders/members of Toastmasters in D67



不要錯過!  一定要看! 5/28星期六  36台 中天綜合台 - -“真情看台灣” 11:30 AM 
播出 我們的春季大會特別報導。
Don't miss it.  Must see !   This Saturday 5/28 11:30 am on Channel 36.  There is a special report of our 2016 Spring Conference.

春季大會雖然剛過,但是我仍然可以感到各位的熱情。今年我們花了很多精神做 Toastmasters 推廣的工作,除了4/13 日日我們請了二十位記者作報導,春季大會當天中天也來錄影及報導。請各位千萬不要忘了!請觀看我整理的春季大會照片 (facebook)!

Spring Con is just over, but I can still remember all your passion.  We took a lot of efforts to promote Toastmasters this year.  Beside the press conference on 4/13 with 20 media reports, we had TV reports to come to the Spring Con to record.  Please be sure to watch the special TV program.  Please also view the well chosen pictures on my Facebook.



Best Regards,

Caroline Kiang, DTM

District Director 2015-2016, 

D67, Toastmasters International


總會長 張可芸