It is my honor to announce that Shang Su, DTM has achieved his distinguished Toastmaster title on July 14, 2015. Shang joined Toastmasters in October 1, 2003 with Ale Elite Toastmasters Club. For the past 12 years, he was actively participating in events in Toastmasters. Not only taking different roles in his club, also he was the champion for Humorous English Speech contest in 2007. The following is the leadership role he has been taken:
2003-2004: SAA of ALE ELITE |
2006-2007: Area A2 Governor 尚賢是在2003年十月參加精湛英語國際演講會。在過去十二年中,他不但擔任過無數的領導幹部,奉獻所學,他也是我們2007 年秋季大會英語幽默演講冠軍。
我相信尚賢今後一定會將他在演講會所學的領導與溝通技能,毫無保留地與新進的會員分享。讓他們也可以增加自信,自我成長。 讓我們在這裡一起祝賀蘇尚賢會友的卓越成就。
Truly yours, Caroline Kiang, 2015-2016 District Director 張可芸 總會長敬賀