因為教材的不夠完整,能拿非英文組的傑出會員是非常不容易的,但是很慶幸的是國際演講會終於將許多重要的教材都翻譯成中文了,譬如高效能領導,演講精進系列,對以後要完成傑出會員的大家來說,是一件值得鼓舞的事情。 |
,雖然此會目前沒有運作,但當時也幫助了許多青年學子找到了自信。 並於2011-2012 年間擔任 F1 區總監時,幫忙成立了人和雙語會及水沙連雙語會。 就像妙曼在她的得獎感言中說的,今後一定會把她在演講會中所學的溝通與領導的技能,毫無保留的分享給所有周邊的朋友與同事。
Maiw Mann joined Toastmasters in June 1, 2004 with her teacher BaoChin Lee reference that they together chartered Chung-Hsing Chinese Toastmasters club, and she was the chartered president. During her term as area F1 governor, she helped chartering two Bi-lingual clubs –Puli and Harmony. We believe DTM Maiw Mann will share with us her excellent communication and leadership skills with our junior members to help them to become an excellent speaker and a great leader.
Truly Yours Caroline Kiang, 2015-2016 District Director 張可芸 總會長敬賀