Dear past District Officers 2014-2015, Committee Chairs 2014-2015, and candidates of Toastmaster of the Year: 各位前2014-2015總會幹部及各委員會主席及年度風雲獎候選人大家好, Thank you for your votes. We have now the result of the recipients of the following awards。They are: 感謝各位前任幹部踴躍投票。投票結果下列各獎項得獎人分別為: 1. Division Governor of the Year, 年度優秀部總監獎 Sarah Sheen of Division D 2. Area Governor of the Year, and 年度優秀區總監獎 Jo Wu of Area C3, Division C 3. Toastmaster of the Year. 年度風雲會員 Hung-Wen Lulu Tseng of ASUS Toastmaster Club of Area A3, Division A