Dear Club Presidents,
各位分會會長, It is time to submit renewal fee to the Headquarters for your club members again. The deadline for submission is Sept. 30, 2015. Please do it now or the soonest possible before it gets late and affects your club's DCP points. Don't wait till the last min. when online operation is easily jammed up by late applications. 又到上繳世界總會會費的時候了。本次上繳期限是9月30日前。準時繳費確保您分會的傑出分會得分有關。目前尚有充分時間申報,但越快進行越好以免月底臨時申報分會太多網路塞車耽誤期限. 煩請立即行動。
You can do it online. The following is the instruction
for online renewal: Go to www.toastmasters.org/clubcentral and log in using your personal username and password (any club officer will do).
Some important details listed below must be considered when processing membership payments: *** 繳費時請注意下面重要細節: • Do not submit renewals by email, because financial information in an email is not secure. 請不要用email繳費。
• Dues renewals can be paid online if paying by credit card. 線上繳費請使用信用卡 。
•To remain
in good standing the minimum requirements are: at least
eight members must pay dues and
three must be 要保持分會有效會籍最少要有八位繳費會員,其中三位必需是續會會員(老會員)
Sincerely, Trini Ding, DTM Club Growth Director, 2015-2016 Toastmasters International, District 67 0937-893-135
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled. - Plutarch |