Dear All Leaders/Members of Toastmasters District 67: 第67地區總會的會員及領導者: Fall Conference and all contests before the Fall Con are coming soon. Regarding the Chinese and Taiwan Speech contests, the contest rules had been proposed and resolved in the Excom Meeting on April 26 2015 in Spring Con as below. (Below is extracted from the meeting minutes only for the Chinese and Taiwan contest rules. Please refer the complete meeting minutes as posted on D67 Website: 因秋季大會比賽和相關的區賽、部賽,即將上場,關於國台語比賽,其規則已在今年四月(2015.4.26)春季大會的會員大會有正式的提案,並通過提案,決議如下(下文是從會員大會會議記錄裡節錄國台語比賽相關部分,完整會議紀錄,請參考網站上的會議紀錄 : http://www.toastmasters.org.tw/d67web/ch/district/1040426/1040426.htm The reason for announcing the rules again is because some clubs are still not sure and asking about this subject recently. (Supplement : Regarding below rules, there will be two Chinese Area Contests for Div J – Area J1 & Area J2. As of how to distribute Bilingual clubs outside Division J in the North to participate which Area Contest (J1 or J2), Div J please coordinate and decide.) 因為最近有些分會對此規則並不是很清楚,仍提出詢問,故特再次發布此規則。 (補充說明:關於J部 “國語”區賽,依下列決議的規定是舉辦兩場區賽 – J1 & J2,至於J部以外的北部雙語會如何分配至這兩場區賽(J1或J2)參賽,請J部協調決定) If there is still any question or uncertainty, please do not hesitate to bring it up again. Thank you. 若仍有任何疑問或不詳處,請不吝提出。謝謝。 Thanks and Regards, Teresa Chang 張海星, DTM Program Quality Director 2015-2016 District 67, Toastmasters International 中華民國國際演講協會 2015-2016 教育副總會長 Cell: 0923-343551 e-mail : [email protected] [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 國台語演講比賽規則: |