Dear leaders of District 67, 親愛的領導幹部們, Great news, my dear leaders! Congratulations, Our membership goal had achieved distinguished today. It is a day we made the history! All of you are best leaders! 好消息,我親愛的領導幹部們!恭喜大家,今天四月二十七日我們的會員成長人次已達到「傑出總會」的目標,在今天,我們締造了新的歷史,您們都是最棒的領導者! It’s over midnight and I had a long day. I had the whole day teaching. At night, I joined my home club New Century Bilingual TC’s 13th anniversary. Eight past presidents showed up. We had four speakers. Two new members had been inducted. In the end, a guest joined as a new member. Quality meetings attract more new members and make senior members stay. Just as simple as like that! 現在已過午夜,今天對我來說是很辛苦的一天,我上了一整天的課,晚上參加母會新世紀雙語分會十三週年慶,八位前任會長都與會慶祝,有四位演講者,替兩位新會員做了入會儀式,會後又吸收了一位新會員,有品質的會議會吸引新會員加入,並且留住老會員,道理就是這麼簡單! I feel tired physically, but full of joy inside of my heart. Because all of your great team efforts, our district made it so early of our membership distinguished goal. For being “Select Distinguished district”, we still need 111 memberships. For the ultimate goal “President Distinguished district”, we need another 285 memberships. 我身子有點累了,心中卻充滿喜樂。因著各位的完美團隊合作和努力,我們的總會才能這麼快就達到會員成長人次的「傑出總會」目標,如果要達到「績優傑出總會」,我們還少一百十一位會員人次,如果要達到最高的「總會長傑出總會」目標,我們還缺少兩百八十五位。 Trio calculated carefully. We know that we can achieve at least Select Distinguished status this year. We have no problem of club settings and DCP awards. 總會三人精心計算過,我們知道今年台灣總會至少會達到「績優傑出總會」目標,因為我們在新會的成長和「傑出分會」的教育獎項上,一定可以達到此目標。 We learned from our best coaches Chair Jorie, PDG Harry and Division A Governor Edward. They mentioned about the importance of “ownership”. In terms of membership growth, would you please kindly let me know “How far can we go?” “Which Distinguished district status do we want to achieve?” The second one or the first one? 三位最棒的總會救援教練團隊:吳主席咨杏、方前總會長瑞源、世明A部總監教導我們到很重要的「擁有權」的概念。因此,我想請教各位幹部:「在會員成長方面我們要做到何種程度?」「我們想要最終達到的傑出目標為何?」我們要做到第二?還是第一? Please ponder on these questions and keep your promises of achieving your DCP goals as soon as possible. District’s glory comes from clubs’ glory. My deepest appreciation to what we had accomplished. Thank you so much for your full support to make our district even more glorious! 請想想這些問題,並請盡快達到您承諾過的「傑出分會」目標。總會的光榮,來自分會的榮耀。衷心感激您們替總會已達成的部分,也謝謝您們一向的鼎力支持,讓台灣總會將會更加發光、發熱! Best Regards, Joy Tsai DTM DG of District 67, 2013-14 中華民國國際演講協會總會長 Toastmasters International 0918-126-012 [email protected] skype:joytsai33 |