Dear Club President, 各位分會會長, This is a reminder that the deadline for April Due Renewal is March 30. If you have already complete your renewal, please disregard this mail. Time is of the essence. Your submission of 'April-September dues' for your club members will affect your members rights to participate Toastmasters events, such as being a contestant or a contest judge in speech contests. You can submit your club dues online through CLUB CENTRAL on Toastmasters International website. 提醒您四月會費準時繳納日為3月30日。如果你已經完成本次繳費,你可以不用繼續看這封信。時間是至關重要的,繳納您分會會員4月至9月的會費關係著您的會員參與演講會活動的權利,如做演講比賽的參賽者或做比賽裁判等。您可以上「世界總會」網站進入「分會事務」連結在線上完成繳費。 This year, a new regulation comes into effect in regards to the minimum number of a weak club. The new regulation states that a minimum of 8 members is required to remain the club at a status of good standing. If, for any reason, your club could not get enough 8 members to renew status by the end of March, you should renew as many current members as possible with at least 3 old members (member or new member before March 30) in your renewal list. Otherwise, you might not be able to access to your club account on Toastmasters International website to run your club business. 今年在分會最少人數上有新的規定開始執行。新規定如下:一個分會必需最少有 8位會員才能保有有效分會的狀態。如果,因為某些原因,您的分會在3月底前不能達到8位繳費會員,您應儘量為現有會員完成繳費,在您的繳費名單中應至少有3名現有的老會員(3 月底前的新會員或現有會員)。不然,您的分會可能面臨無法進入世界總會網站內您的分會帳號進行分會事務。 If you have any question, please do not hesitate to write me or call me at 0928-697-261. 如有任何問題,請來信或來電 0928-697-261。 Sincerely, Eric Liang 梁守誠 教育副總會長 Lieutenant Governor Education and Training |