
  2014-15 中華民國總會職務候選人名單  
Dear district leaders,

Our Chair of Nominating committee Marian Hsiao had led the committee successfully completed the 2014-15 District officer candidate list as attached. Thanks to their hard efforts to find the best successors to lead and serve our district in 2014-15.
感謝 2014~2015 總會提名委員會主席蕭敏環女士所帶領的總會提名委員會已圓滿完成提名下任總會職務候選人之任務.
Here I attached Marian's well written report for your reference. We need club presidents, EVPs, Area Governors and Division Governors to come to our council meeting for district election in the morning of April 13th (2014 D67 Spring conference) in Taipei. Every vote counts. Please do remember to join us by then.  

Dear Joy, 親愛的總會長您好!

I sincerely appreciate the members of the nominating committee members for their help in completing the nominating job. They have sought out prospective candidates for their divisions and then nominated them for the offices.


Attached is the nominating committee report. Please announce the result to the district council members. Also inform all the candidates that they will have a 2-minute campaign speech at the annual meeting. If there's any candidate to be nominated from the floor at the annual meeting, the candidate must be present then and there. I'll check his/her qualification and then ask them to sign their names on the "officer agreement and release form". Right after the process, the candidate is eligible to be the candidate and to make a campaign speech. 

附檔是提名委員會報告。請在網路上宣佈所有候選人名單。候選人在年會時有二分鐘左右的競選演說,請大家先準備。如果是現場提名 (如H部部總監、新成立的分部部總監 或 其他總會職務現場被提名者),該候選人必須在現場,我會審核他們的資格並要求他們親自在"候選人同意書"上簽名。這樣他們才有資格成為候選人,參與競選演說及被選舉。

My warmest wish for a very successful district officer election.

Best regards,
Marian Hsiao
Nominating committee chair
2014~2015 總會提名委員會主席
2014-15 D67 District officer candidate list 
2014-15 台灣總會職務候選人名單
Officer position Chinese name English name Home club
DG 總會長 梁守誠 Eric Liang Pingtung 屏東
LGET 教育副總會長 張可芸 Caroline Kiang Joy       中油
LGM  推廣副總會長 張海星 Teresa Chang Fengyuan 豐原
Div. A Gov. A部總監 范明瑛 Michelle Fan Premium 名嘉
Div. B Gov. B部總監 管滿麗 Teresa Kwan Beast    博思
Div. C Gov. C部總監 高毅芳 Yvonne Kao Galaxy 銀河
Div. D Gov. D部總監 許文音 Amanda Hsu ALE MAX 極致
Div. E Gov. E部總監 謝秉鈞 Bernie Hsieh YZU 元智
Div. F Gov. F部總監 葛淑蘭 Ko Shu-Lan   中興新村
Div. G Gov. G部總監 陳凱倫 Helen Chen World Mosaic 錦繡世界
Div. H Gov. H部總監 現場提名      
Div. I Gov. I部總監 周惠珠 Vickie Chou Fluency 流暢
Div. J Gov. J部總監 江俊毅 Paul Chiang Cheer 相見歡
Div. K Gov. K部總監 陳宇坤 Yukun Chen NCYU 嘉義大學
Div. L Gov. L部總監 洪昆山 Sam Hung Chung Gang 中港

Best Regards,

Joy Tsai


D67 District Governor 2013-14



[email protected]
