

67總會 部總監成功計劃會議



Attached is the wonderful minutes taken by LGET Eric Liang. We had conducted a very productive Division Governors meeting on Sept 22, 2013. We discussed many important district issues, set up the awards for this term, as well as call for actions. Please do read the mail very carefully, and follow with the same direction. I strongly believe we will achieve at least Distinguished District status this year. 

以下是今年九月二十二日梁教育副總會長守誠所做的總會分部總監成功計劃會議之完美紀錄 ,包含了當天所有討論的議題和決議,也要求各位要有所行動,請各位幹部們依此方向共同努力,讓今年總會欲達到至少傑出總會的目標可圓滿達成,非常感謝各位!

Meeting Memo
Division Governors Success Plan Meeting
District 67



Meeting Chair會議主席: Joy Tsai

Date日期: September 22, 2013

Time時間: 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Venue地點: Rido Coffee 里豆咖啡  1 Alley 8, Ln 303, Sec. 3, Nanjing E Rd        Taipei            (02) 2546-0986



Joy Tsai, DG; Eric Liang, LGET; Caroline Kiang, LGM

       Harry Fong, PDG; Jori Wu, PDG

       Division A: Edward Chen

       Division C: Sterling Hsiao

       Division D: Roger Huang

       Division G: Kevin Ho

       Division H: Larrence Huang

       Division I: Game Liao

       Division J: 廖鳳儀

       Division K: Peyton Kim

Guests列席: George Yen, International President; Webster Kiang

Recorded by紀錄: Eric Liang

General Report報告事項:


 10 new clubs are in line to process. Target date to get them all chartered is on or before December 31, 2013.


 Incentive plan for increasing membership will be announced after the meeting. The plan emphasizes on both membership gain in club and achievement of club DCP goal.


Harry Fong, PDG, is appointed as Chairman of Realignment Committee by Joy Tsai, DG. District realignment will be presented in the April council meeting; the new alignment proposal will then be submitted to Toastmasters International for approval. The new alignment is to be effective starting July 1, 2014.
總會長蔡嬌燕指派前總會長方瑞源擔任組織重整委員會主席。組織重整計畫將於春季大會呈送會員代表大會討論, 之後送世界總會審核。新架構將於


Jorie Wu, PDG, is appointed as Chair of Coach committee. She will help district to develop a training process to lead members, who is willing to become a club coach to help weak clubs, to be a better coach. District will also get help from Harry Fong, PDG, in this program.
前總會長吳咨杏是救援教練委員會主席,她將協助總會發展一項訓練課程引導有意擔任弱會救援教練的會員成 為一位更有能力的救援教練。前總會長方瑞源也會一併協助這項任務。

Items Discussed:



It is discussed and agreed by all division governors present that District will adopt the new speech contest rules as stated in the SPEECH CONTEST RULEBOOK 2013 for speech contests in Spring Conference 2014. It is also agreed that it is up to each division governor to decide the allowable number of contestant to advance from club to area, and from area to division in selection sequence in their own division contests for the speech contests in the Fall Conference 2013.

經過與會部總監充分討論並做成決議如下:世界總會2013年比賽 規則將適用於本總會明年春季大會的各項演講比賽。同時決議今年秋季大會的各項演講比賽由各部總監自行決定該部之區 部比賽及部比賽的允許參賽人數。



Harry Fong, Chairman of Realignment Committee, presented a proposition of district realignment for discussion. The proposition, which suggested to add three new divisions in the north portion and one area in the south, was passed unanimously. The detailed work is to be carried on.

組織重整委員會主席方瑞源提出重整架構建議。該重整架構建議北區增加三個部,南區增加一個區。 架構經討論後無異議通過。細部工作將接續進行。



Each division governors presented their division success plan in order. Weak clubs in each division were identified at the same time. The following are the division goals committed by each division governor:


Division A: To be a President’s Distinguished Division


Division C: To be a Selected Distinguished Division


Division D: To be a Selected Distinguished Division


Division G: To be a Distinguished Division


Division H: To be a President’s Distinguished Division


Division I: To be a President’s Distinguished Division


Division J: To be a Distinguished Division


Division K: Definitely to be a Selected Distinguished Division; working on the direction to be a President’s Distinguished Division

          一定是卓越傑出分部, 向總會長傑出分部目標前進。



A draft of incentive program for membership and club quality was presented and discussed. It is decided that the incentive program for this term be as follows:




For GAINING MEMBERSHIP, there will be two times of award. One is at September 30, 2013; the other is at March 31, 2014. Based on the data of club membership show at the column of ‘Base’, and the column of ‘To Date’ as of September 30, 2013 and as of March 31, 2014 respectively for each club in the Distinguished Performance Reports Dashbord on Toastmasters International website, if a club meets the goal stated below, the area and division where the club belongs to will receive an administrative award as follows:

增加會員獎勵部分,有二次獲獎時機,一次在今年930日, 一次在明年331日。以世界總會網站公佈的資料為準, 將各分會會員人數的基數」和「2013/9/30」及「2014/3/31」的人數分別做如下比較,如分會達到下列目標值, 總會將發放行政獎勵金予該分會所屬的區部與部:




Goal No.1: Gaining membership or no loss of membership between July 1, 2013 (Base) and September 30, 2013 (To Date).

目標1: 2013/7/12013/9/30間增加了會員 數或沒有流失會員。




Goal No.2: Gaining membership or no loss of membership between September 30, 2013(To Date) and March 31, 2014(To Date).

目標2: 2013/9/302014/3/31間增加了會 員數或沒有流失會員。




If the difference of membership of a club between the columns is equal to the following, an award will be forwarded to the area and division to where the club belongs:






The net gain of a club is equal to ‘0’ or ‘1,’ the area and the division of the club earns an award of NTD500.00

一個分會的會員數淨成長為01時, 該分會為其區部和部掙得台幣500元行政獎勵金






The net gain of a club is equal to ‘2’ or ‘3,’ the area and the division of the club earns an award of NTD1,000.00

一個分會的會員數淨成長為23時, 該分會為其區部和部掙得台幣1,000元行政獎勵金





The net gain of a club is equal to ‘4,’ the area and the division of the club earns an award of NTD2,000.00

一個分會的會員數淨成長為34時, 該分會為其區部和部掙得台幣2,000元行政獎勵金





The net gain of a club is greater than ‘4,’ the area and the division of the club earns an award of NTD2,000 plus additional NTD500.00 for each membership gain above 4.

一個分會的會員數淨成長超過4時, 該分會為其區部和部掙得台幣2,000元行政獎勵金另加自第5 每成長一位加計之台幣500元行政獎勵金




The award to each area and division will be distributed as 80% toward area and 20% toward division. The fund will be disbursed to area and district when receipts of equal amount be received by the district within 30 days of the award. The application is to be made by the division.

獎勵金將以80/20比例分別撥發給區與部。 行政獎勵金於獎勵日起30日內發放, 發放時總部需收到同額行政收據。行政獎勵金申請由部為之。






For IMPROVING CLUB QUALITY, based on the data show on the Distinguished Performance Reports Dashbord on Toastmasters International website, if a club, an area or a division meets the goal stated below, the club, the area or the division will receive an administrative award as follows:

提昇分會品質獎勵部分,依世界總會網站公佈的資料,本總會所屬之分會、或區、或部達到下列目標時,該分會、或區、 或部可獲得如下行政獎勵:



The first 15 clubs to reach Distinguished Club goal, each club receives NTD1,000. The order of status gain will be determined based on Toastmasters International reports stated above.

15名達到傑出分會目標的分會,每分會可獲得台幣1,000 行政獎勵金。排名依上列網站登錄日期為準。




The area reaches Distinguished Area goal; the area receives NTD1,000. The status will be determined based on Toastmasters International reports stated above.





The division reaches Distinguished Division goal; the division receives NTD2,000. The status will be determined based on Toastmasters International reports stated above.





The above funds will be disbursed to club, area or district when receipts of equal amount be received from the club, area or district within 30 days of the award by the district.

行政獎勵金於獎勵日起30日內發放, 發放時總部需收到申請之分會、或區、或部之同額行政收據。







Each division governor has been asked to provide a list of potential coach in their division by October 8, 2013. The list is to email to Caroline Kiang, LGM, [email protected] , with copy to Jorie Wu, [email protected] , and Harry Fong, [email protected] . Please include Skype information in the list if possible.

各部總監應於10/8前提出各該部的教練人選。 人選名單請電郵寄至推廣副總會長張可芸 caroline.[email protected] ,副本分送吳咨杏 wu.[email protected] 及方瑞源 fong...@gmail.com 。人選名單請盡量附入 Skype 資訊。


Jorie Wu, Chair of Coach committee, will initiate an orientation of club coach through a form of Skype meeting or alike at a date between October 8 and October 15, 2013. Possibly, another training will be followed after the orientation.
Skype視訊方式在10/810/15之間辦理一次救援教練指引 討論會。之後,也許辦理一場訓練會。


Meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.






Best Regards,

Joy Tsai


D67 District Governor 2013-14
