

Dear Members and leaders of D67:


Wishing you a great and happy Moon Festival!

I appreciate all the members who voted for me to be the Lt. Governor of Marketing this year. My responsibilities are twofold: first is to charter as many clubs as possible and the other one are to increase the memberships. I will do my best to achieve these two goals and if you have any good suggestions to do the above mentioned, please contact me immediately.

首先我想報告一下有關新會成立的狀況:在七月二十一日我們在高雄成立了今年度第一個演講會:聚和中文國際演講會,聚和是一個上市公司,它的總經理非常贊助這個演講會,不但每次開會都能用他們的音樂廳,準備的點心也都是非常的豐富,歡迎大家有空時多去學習。第二個已經送件的是微軟英語演講會,又有一個高科技的公司領導們看到了演講會的價值,加入了我們的大家庭。讓我們鼓掌歡迎他們。其它已經做過示範會議,正在進行式的有澳盛銀行,嘉義大學,藥品檢驗基金會,雅虎,東華大學,TGIF, 企業家演講協會等等,讓我們以熱誠的心,歡迎他們儘快能加入我們的組織。
For chartering new clubs, we had a good starts, HOPAX Mandarin club chartered July 21 in Kaohsiung, also we have submitted Microsoft Taiwan Toastmasters club applications, Others in the pipeline and already had demo meetings including CDE, Yahoo, Taipei Taiwan Pros (it was called TGIF), TongHua University, Chia-Yi University, ANZ, and Entrepreneur Toastmasters Club. Let us put our hands together and welcome these new clubs and I am sure they will appreciate what Toastmasters can offer: not only the best training process for public speaking but also the excellent leadership training.

中部亦有幾家公司及學校在策劃中,由於我們將有許多新會要成立,我們需要熱心的會員可以擔任創會人及輔導人,請有意願取的 ALS 證書的會員直接與我聯絡。[email protected]


We also have some good news about the central part of Taiwan, numerous companies showed interest to charter a club in their organization.
We need quite a few enthusiastic members to take the role as the sponsors and mentors of these new clubs.
Please give me a note if you are ready to achieve your ALS certificate.  My e-mail address is

We have draft a membership drive plan, that each division governor and area governor will have some subsidies for the office expenses if they meet the requirements.

This reward policy will announce by the district governor.

九月份是美國總會繳交會費的時刻,根據九月十九日的報導,我們在這部分非常落後,請各位會長及幹部看看你的分會是否是在未繳會之列,請儘快繳交,以免貴會在 DCP 分數先失掉分數。附上世界總會繳交最新的報告,請尚未繳費的分會立刻完成繳交任務。

This is the month to submit your club dues, please do it as soon as possible. Enclosed please find a copy of the current report.

From Caroline Kiang, DTM, Lt. Governor-Marketing D67



Toastmasters International

October Dues Renewal Status - District 67
Reports are uploaded daily - Updated: September 22, 2013 5:35 AM PST

Club Division Area Renewal_Status Name Location
376 E 1 Verified complete - 09/16/2013 Hsinchu Toastmasters Club Hsinchu City
549 G 3 Verified complete - 09/05/2013 Sparkle Club Taipei
689 G 3 Verified complete - 09/14/2013 Tien Mou Club Taipei
785 B 3 **Renewals not here** Nantou Club Nantou City
874 B 1 **Renewals not here** Wheelers Toastmasters Club Taichung
1447 H 1 **Renewals not here** Grand Toastmasters Club Taipei City
1890 A 2 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Taipei Club Taipei City
1904 D 1 Verified complete - 09/05/2013 Kaohsiung Toastmasters Club Kaohsiung
1905 D 3 **Renewals not here** Yuan-Shan Club Kaohsiung County
2022 D 1 Verified complete - 09/08/2013 Pingtung Toastmasters Club Pingtung
2304 J 1 **Renewals not here** YMIC Club Taipei
2422 D 3 **Renewals not here** Kaohsiung Taiwanese Toastmasters Club Kaohsiung
2725 A 2 **Renewals not here** Premium Toastmasters Club Taipei
2922 H 3 **Renewals not here** Sunrise Club Taipei City
3102 K 1 **Renewals not here** Tainan Club Tainan
3457 H 3 Verified complete - 09/17/2013 Motorola Taiwan Toastmasters Club Shian Dian City
3635 G 2 **Renewals not here** NTOU Professionals Club Keelung
3748 I 1 **Renewals not here** Changhua Club Changhua City
3892 D 3 **Renewals not here** Scien Tech Club Kaohsiung
4118 L 3 **Renewals not here** Tachia Toastmasters Club Taichung City
4344 J 1 **Renewals not here** Sunflower Advanced Toastmasters Club Taipei
4439 K 3 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Chia-Yi Toastmasters Club Chiayi City
4647 A 4 **Renewals not here** Joy Club Taipei
4800 C 3 **Renewals not here** PECL Toastmasters Club Taipei
4832 I 2 **Renewals not here** New Century Bilingual Club Taichung
4844 H 2 **Renewals not here** Formosa Club Taipei
5013 C 3 **Renewals not here** CECI Club Taipei
5159 J 2 **Renewals not here** Cheer Club Jhong Li
5808 A 1 **Renewals not here** Prestige Toastmasters Club Taipei
5844 C 2 **Renewals not here** China Club Taipei
5871 C 3 **Renewals not here** Innovative Club Taipei
5875 G 3 Verified complete - 09/21/2013 Spark Club Taipei
5876 E 2 **Renewals not here** Taoyuan Club Taoyuan
5978 B 1 **Renewals not here** Taichung Toastmasters Club (TTC) Taichung
6123 J 3 **Renewals not here** Pacific Club Taipei
6679 J 3 **Renewals not here** Success Bilingual Toastmasters Club Taoyuan City
7058 J 2 **Renewals not here** Taiwian Hakka Club Taoyuan County
7265 G 2 Verified complete - 09/11/2013 World Mosaic Toastmasters Club Taipei
7355 L 1 Verified complete - 09/05/2013 Fengyuan Club Fengyuan City, Taichung Hsien
7404 H 3 Verified complete - 09/10/2013 Sunshine Toastmasters Club Taipei
7597 C 1 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Galaxy Toastmasters Taipei City
7613 G 2 Verified complete - 09/09/2013 Happy Life Toastmasters Club Keelung
7638 F 3 **Renewals not here** Pu-Shin Bilingual Club Changhua
7828 J 1 **Renewals not here** Hai-Lan-Lan Mandarin Club Keelung
7830 J 3 **Renewals not here** Taichung Central Japanese Club Taichung
7862 A 2 **Renewals not here** ALE ELITE Club Taipei
8057 H 2 **Renewals not here** Y.W.C.A. Club Taipei
8381 E 2 **Renewals not here** Linkou Toastmasters Club Taoyuan County
8681 C 4 Verified complete - 09/18/2013 Excellence Toastmasters Club Taipei
8702 J 1 **Renewals not here** Happy Club Taipei
8896 E 3 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met YZU Toastmasters Club Chungli City
8900 G 4 Verified complete - 09/16/2013 Taipei Phoenix Toastmasters Club Taipei
9159 B 3 **Renewals not here** Beast Toastmasters Club Taichung
9217 A 1 **Renewals not here** National Taiwan University Club Taipei
9234 F 2 **Renewals not here** Changhua Bilingual Club Chang-Hua
9244 F 1 **Renewals not here** Happiness Toastmasters Club Taichung
9295 C 1 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Legacy Taipei City
9404 D 2 **Renewals not here** Elite Club Kaohsiung
9500 K 2 Verified complete - 09/18/2013 Top Gun Club Gangshan District, Kaohsiung City
9577 E 3 **Renewals not here** Chungli Toastmasters Club JhongLi City
9749 G 1 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met BID Taipei
9917 A 4 **Renewals not here** Ta Ren Club Taipei
9925 B 1 **Renewals not here** Ale Ultimate Toastmaster Club Taichung City
9995 E 1 **Renewals not here** Longtan Club Longtan Taoyuan
587955 D 1 **Renewals not here** Tso-Ying Club Kaohsiung City
587964 K 1 **Renewals not here** Red Hill Club Tainan City
588627 D 2 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met ALE MAX Toastmasters Club Kaohsiung
604349 F 1 **Renewals not here** Taichung Taiwanese Club Taichung
621825 C 4 **Renewals not here** Hualien Toastmasters Club Hualien City
633480 F 2 Verified complete - 09/20/2013 Huatan Bilingual Club Changhua County
643701 F 2 **Renewals not here** Changhua Chinese Club Changhua
654073 G 3 **Renewals not here** Yang Ming University Toastmasters Club Taipei
675391 G 1 **Renewals not here** Ale Ladder Toastmasters Club Taipei
675542 K 2 **Renewals not here** ALE Spectacular Toastmasters Club Tainan City
679606 I 3 **Renewals not here** Fluency Club Taichung
683734 J 3 **Renewals not here** Yama Kawa Club Taoyuan
685115 I 1 **Renewals not here** Yuntech Toastmasters Club Douliou
687386 F 4 **Renewals not here** Chung Hsing Chinese Club Nan Tao
690379 C 1 **Renewals not here** FJU Toastmasters Club New Taipei City
704229 E 1 **Renewals not here** Legend Advanced Toastmasters Club Chung Li
722604 K 2 **Renewals not here** Cheng Kung Toastmasters Club Tainan
759246 E 3 **Renewals not here** National Central University Club Jhong-Li
772355 C 2 **Renewals not here** National Chengchi University Club Taipei
807883 A 4 Verified complete - 09/11/2013 NeiHu Toastmasters Club Taipei City
810967 A 1 Verified complete - 09/17/2013 MSD Taiwan Toastmasters Club Taipei
844289 A 3 **Renewals not here** CTBC Club Taipei
849129 A 3 **Renewals not here** TCG TMC Taipei
966472 C 1 **Renewals not here** Soochow University Taipei
971581 A 1 **Renewals not here** Taipei Metro Toastmasters Club Taipei
972131 L 2 **Renewals not here** Huluton T.C. Fongyuan
974403 K 3 **Renewals not here** Shin Ying Toastmasters Club Tainan city
990908 C 3 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met U-SWOT Toastmasters Club Taipei
1024720 H 1 **Renewals not here** MOFA Taipei
1035644 F 3 **Renewals not here** Shetou Bilingual Shetou
1039386 A 4 **Renewals not here** PwC Toastmasters Club Taipei
1072817 I 1 **Renewals not here** Yuanlin Yuanlin Township, Changhua County
1103511 L 1 Verified complete - 09/10/2013 Taichung Elite Advanced Taichung City
1117237 B 2 **Renewals not here** Distinguished Bilingual Taichung City
1120107 L 2 **Renewals not here** Medical Group Toastmasters Club Taichung City
1121572 F 1 **Renewals not here** Top Bilingual TC Da-Li
1121574 F 4 **Renewals not here** Nantou Mentor Toastmasters Club Nantou
1121609 D 3 Verified complete - 09/20/2013 Ovation Advanced Toastmasters Club Kaohsiung
1121719 I 2 **Renewals not here** Taichung Advanced Taichung City
1122313 D 2 Verified complete - 09/05/2013 Kaohsiung Members United-Bilingual Kaohsiung City
1152770 G 4 **Renewals not here** Taiwan Toastmasters Club Taipei
1154997 D 1 **Renewals not here** Kaohsiung Medical University Kaohsiung
1169394 K 3 **Renewals not here** Full House Bilingual Toastmasters Tainan City
1189377 B 2 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Young Toastmasters Club Taichung City
1220745 G 1 **Renewals not here** Irrationally Motivated Advanced Toastmasters Club Taipei
1249045 H 2 **Renewals not here** TTU Toastmasters Club Taipei
1294145 L 3 **Renewals not here** Da-Ya T.C. Taichung City
1298297 I 2 **Renewals not here** Taichung Tech Toastmasters Club Taichung City
1304229 F 3 **Renewals not here** Hsiushui Bilingual Changhua County
1310388 C 2 **Renewals not here** National Taipei University Toastmasters Club Taipei
1339123 C 1 Verified complete - 09/19/2013 National Taipei University of Technology Taipei
1349538 A 2 **Renewals not here** HP Taiwan Taipei
1349560 H 3 **Renewals not here** Leadership Village Toastmasters Taipei
1403337 L 1 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Lantern Bilingual Toastmasters Club Fong-Yuan, Taichung
1403954 L 2 **Renewals not here** Tan-Zih Toastmasters Club Taichung
1405251 K 1 **Renewals not here** Ding Ding Toastmasters Tainan
1435236 G 2 **Renewals not here** Skal Taipei Toastmasters Club Taipei City
1448735 L 3 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met Chung-Gang TC Wuci Township
1460763 I 3 **Renewals not here** Da-Li TC Taichung City
1474881 D 2 **Renewals not here** Vitality KAOHSIUNG
1481471 A 3 Low - Minimum Requirement not yet met EYT Toastmasters Taipei
1498319 B 3 **Renewals not here** Bei-Tun TC Taichung City
1498820 A 1 **Renewals not here** Far Eastern Int'L Bank Taipei
1501583 G 1 **Renewals not here** PMI TAIWAN Bilingual Toastmasters Club Taipei
1516254 D 3 Verified complete - 09/05/2013 KCG Kaohsiung
1572697 E 2 **Renewals not here** CYCU Toastmasters Club Chungli City
1717071 C 4 **Renewals not here** National Taiwan University Science and Technology Taipei
1739629 J 1 **Renewals not here** Taipei DCS Toastmasters Club Taipei
1829287 A 3 Verified complete - 09/10/2013 Young-Bankers Toastmasters Club Taipei City
1849600 J 2 **Renewals not here** Aloha Taoyuan
1876953 F 4 **Renewals not here** Harmony Bilingual Nantou
1891721 F 4 **Renewals not here** Puli Bilingual Puli Township
2334364 G 4 **Renewals not here** Pfizer Toastmasters Club New Taipei City
2450468 A 4 **Renewals not here** Intel Taipei Toastmasters Club Taipei City
2851455 A 2 **Renewals not here** Ferina New Taipei
3124023 B 2 **Renewals not here** Chaoyang Tech Taichung
3154640 D 2 **Renewals not here** NKUHT Kaohsiung City
3168179 A 1 **Renewals not here** Trend Micro Toastmasters Club Taipei City
3302893 G 4 **Renewals not here** Elephant Advanced Toastmasters Club Taipei
3314694 J 1 **Renewals not here** Sounder Bilingual Toastmasters Club Zhongi City
3327313 E 2 **Renewals not here** TXC Toastmasters Ping Cheng
3332115 C 4 **Renewals not here** TSGH Pharmacy Toastmasters Club Taipei City
3356003 D 1 **Renewals not here** HOPAX Toastmasters Club Kaoshiung