


歡迎 Intel 台北國際演講會

Dear Fellow Members,



How have you been lately? I hope you are enjoying your Toastmasters life.



I am very happy to announce the chartering of Intel Taipei Toastmasters Club, the second new club of this term. This is a corporate club in Intel Taipei Limited Taiwan. The club was chartered with the help and effort of staffs of Intel Taiwan and fellow Toastmasters in Division A. Intel first expressed the interest in chartering a new club in the company in January. The club extension team in Division A had a well-designed plan to work closely and was able to provide all the help needed to finally charter the new club in May 7, 2012. Intel Taipei Toastmasters Club is sponsored by Webster Kiang & Caroline Kiang. Division A has assigned Ivy Chao & Lisa Lu to be Club mentors. This club is assigned to Area A4 with club number 2450468. With their enthusiasm and experiences, I am sure Ivy and Lisa will get the new club start off right and thrive to be a healthy club.

很高興跟大家宣佈我們成立了今年度的第二個新分會—Intel台北國際演講會。這個分會是藉由Intel台北公司員工與A部會友的努力與協助,而得以創立的公司型分會。Intel台北公司於今年一月表達在公司內部創會的意願。A部創會團隊密切合作,透過詳細的規劃,全力提供協助,終於在五月七日正式創會。Intel台北國際演講會的會籍號碼為2450468新會發起人為江偉平張可芸賢伉儷,新會輔導人為現任A4區教育副總監盧麗嫻以及Taipei Metro Toastmasters Club的現任推廣副會長Ivy Chao,隸屬於A4區。相信LisaIvy兩人的熱忱與經驗,一定能帶領輝瑞國際演講會有個好的開始,踏出成功的第一步,成為健全的分會。


Let’s welcome Intel Taipei Toastmasters Club and the members to our family! Please give our best support to them.



Grace Shih 
施惠芳  謹上

District Governor 2011-2012  總會長