


各位會長副會長 區/部總監們:
Dear Presidents, EVPs, and Governors,

Greetings from 2012 Spring Conference. There are only a few days to go for our great event. Here we would like to remind you a couple of important things.

Conference agenda is attached for your reference.
Spring Conference venue
  高雄市82445燕巢區義大路8號 義守大學 育成中心 (請上網找一下地圖路線單純 位於義大醫院對面 )與晚宴地點有20分鐘的車程。請有登記搭乘接駁車的會友,特別留意接駁車訊息與出發時間

For driving to the venue, the Educational Center of Eda University, please be aware of the location right across from the Eda Hospital. It will be a 20-minute drive to the dinner party, Crowne Hotel. For taking the shuttle bus, please be aware of the departure time.
Parking space
  義守大學育成中心 附平面停車位上百位,校園假日空曠易停車,在附近路邊無紅線處均可停車。Parking space at the Eda Educational Center can accommodate hundreds of cars.  If the parking lot is full, then please park outside where there are no red lines. 
Registration time & location
4/21 (Sat.) 9:30 – 10:00AM 於1F大廳報到
4/22 (Sun.) 8:30 – 9:00 AM 於1F大廳報到
Dinner Party & Parking

第一天下午5:30於育成中心一樓大廳集合,乘接駁車至義大皇冠 Crown Plaza Kaohsiung E-Da World。自行開車者,請稍微留意單純的路線,約20分鐘車程。義大皇冠大飯店地下停車場皆可停,請向大會服務台洽詢免費停車證。義大皇冠大飯店與三鐵共構的左營站有方便的接駁車,歡迎大家多多留下,共用晚宴,目前尚有空桌。

People who booked the Shuttle Service should meet at the lobby 5:30PM after the first day formal program to the Crown Plaza Hotel. For driving up to the dinner party, it will take 20 minutes to the Crown Plaza whose basement parking is available to all of us. Be sure to get the parking pass from our service counter.

There is a 20min driving time between conference venue and boutique venue, and no public transportation can be taken there. So if you won’t drive car by yourself , please
be sure to reserve the shuttle bus.


Please dress up for the dinner party. We will have a romantic ball right after our super-class cuisines. Since we will have a couple of dining tables unoccupied, we are happy to meet any personal request such as a table for your own friends/family. If you want to propose someone on the spot, please contact us. We have the best arrangement with a professional band and hundreds of witnesses.

7. 請轉知參加Semi-Final英語演講比賽的參賽者及裁判、工作人員,請於4/21(星期六)上午10:00準時抵達 義守大學育成中心 1F貴賓休息室,將進行Semi-final 的場次與出場序抽籤。比賽場地為原木色講堂配紅布幕與白螢幕,以供衣著參考。

Please inform the international speech contestants/ judges/staffs of Semi-Final about the briefing meeting which will be held at April 21 (Sat.) 10:00AM, at the 1F VIP room of the venue。 Please be on time for grouping and deciding the order. The venue is equipped with wooden color stage, red curtain, and white screen for your reference.
8. 參賽者的投影片或需要播放的影片,請盡速將檔案寄給大會比賽組Chin-Chi Lai<[email protected]> 測試,以防因檔案格式不符或無法順利播放之故而影響表現。若參賽者想要當天親自測試檔案,請於4/21星期六上午9:00-10:00進行測試,4/22星期日中午12:00-12:20進行測試檔案。

For any PPT or film to present at the contest or training program, welcome to forward it to Ms. Chin-Chi Lai <[email protected]> for testing, or come earlier to do your own testing during 9-10AM, April 21 (Sat). Make sure everything goes well during your presentation.

9. 請各位部總監、區總監、分會(代表),記得帶”會旗”前來,我們於4/21於12:10的1F大廳集合,請準時抵達。開幕典禮將有入場儀式,請記得將會旗帶出場,接受大家的歡呼與熱烈歡迎!4/22早上請參加會員大會,若無法出席者,請記得委託書

Remind all the governors and presidents to bring your Banner for our Banner Marching at the opening ceremony. We will meet at the 1F lobby at 12:10 noon, April 21(Sat.)。 Meanwhile, We are obligated to attend the District Council Meeting at 9:00 AM, April 22(Sun). If you can not be present, please entrust some other president/EVP a warrant with your signature

祝 行車旅途愉快
May you have a pleasant journey,

Look forward to meeting you soon.

Tammy Tsai 蔡美蕙 0929-839-966
Dinger Chen 陳美珍 0960-339-973
Solomon Chen 陳立山
Conference Chairs of 2012 Toastmasters Spring Conference
2012 春季大會籌辦團隊