




Dear Fellow Members,

I know the recent announcement regarding the increment of annual fee from US$54 to US$72 must have brought impact to all of us. This inevitably aroused some discussion among members. In order to help members better understand the use of the fee paid, I would like to try to explain this issue to all of you.
我知道最近有關年費由 54美元調漲為 72美元的消息,一定為大家帶來衝擊。這件事情無可避免地引發了一些討論。為了讓會員們更瞭解您所繳的年費到底都用在哪裡,請容我在此試著向大家做個說明。 

According to the “Governing Documents of Toastmasters International” and the District Leadership handbook, and here I quote: “Districts receive 25 percent of every dues dollar World Headquarters receives from clubs within the district.”; and “During the final months of the program year, the district reserve account balance shall remain equal to or greater than 25% of that district’s membership-dues income for the prior year.”

So for the US$72/year submitted by every one of us, US$54 goes to the WHQ and the district receives US$18. From the information sent by the WHQ, the estimated 2011-2012 revenue is NT$1,585,541, and the 25% retention at year end is NT$396,385. This means that for 2011-12, the district has a fund of NT$1,189,156 to serve our members (around 3,300 members). The fund is to be used for district and club officer training, club growth and retention, supporting clubs in their membership growth efforts, the promotion of Toastmasters International educational programs within clubs, district communications, administrative materials, awards and recognition items, district leader travel, district meetings, and speech contests conducted by the district.
所以我們每個人所繳交的 72美元年費中,54美元歸於世界總會,18美元撥給我們地區總會。根據世界總會寄來的資料,2011-12年度預估的地區總會歲入為新台幣壹佰伍拾捌萬伍仟伍佰肆拾壹元整,而年度末應維持之百分之廿五餘額為新台幣參拾玖萬陸仟參佰捌拾伍元整。也就是說 2011-12年度,我們地區總會預估可以有新台幣壹佰壹拾捌萬玖仟壹佰伍拾陸元整的經費來為我們約 3300名會員提供服務。這筆經費必須用在地區總會與分會之幹部訓練、分會的成長與維繫、協助分會招募新會員、在各分會推行國際演講會教育課程、地區總會訊息傳遞網絡、行政用品、獎項、地區總會幹部交通補助、地區總會會議、以及主辦各類演講比賽。 

To be more specific, our district sponsors different trainings to members, including officer training twice a year, judges training, manual training etc; pays for members’ educational achievement (CC, CL, AC, AL, and DTM) badges; orders trophies from the WHQ for speech contest winners; pays for maintenance fee for district website; and so on. In the beginning of the year, District trio and treasurer will make a district budget and submit it to the WHQ. As the District Governor, I fully aware that it is my responsibility to make sure every penny of the district fund spent wisely and properly.

As for the US$54, minimally you receive monthly magazine. Honestly speaking, the Toastmaster is a very good magazine with many practical and useful articles in it. If you divide US$54 to 12 months, it is US$4.5 (around NT$130) a month. With the rising of postage and shipping plus a worth-reading magazine, US$4.5 (NT$130) really isn’t too much.
至於歸於世界總會的那 54美元,每個月至少有一本期刊。老實說,這是一本收錄了很多實用文章的優良期刊。如果您把 54美元除以 12個月,等於每個月 4.5美元(約等於新台幣130元)。高漲的郵資與運送費用再加上一本值得細讀的期刊,4.5美元(新台幣130元)真的不算太多。 

As a member, you can also take some action to make sure that you get full benefit from every penny you pay to the Toastmasters International. I’d like to encourage every member to participate all the training sponsored by the district to learn and grow; set and achieve goals and receive recognition provided by the district; serve as club and district officer; be a contestant in all kinds of speech contest to benefit from the experience and even win yourself a trophy presented by the district; and, of course, read the articles in the magazine. Be an active member and an active learner so that your membership fee is not wasted.

The Toastmasters membership is a privilege. Though the annual fee is increased, Toastmasters program remains the most economic and effective training program for personal growth. Let’s cherish it and make the best out of it. Together, we will “Move One Step Forward”.

Grace Shih       
施惠芳  謹上
District Governor 2011-12 