





Dear Immediate Past Club Presidents,

Thank you very much for your wonderful service in 2010-11 Toastmasters year. Your dedication and devotion as well as inspiration and encouragement have helped our members to achieve their educational goals in a glorious way. Your service to club members is highly appreciated and shall be remembered forever.

Though you may seem to have completed your term of service, I’d like to remind you of one last task waiting for you to complete. On May 11, an email concerning your club voting right was sent to your email box by the WHQ. In order to cast your club vote in the annual business meeting held in the International Convention, your club needs to have someone to represent your club. The email requests you to designate your club proxy to someone who will participate the annual business meeting.

Please search your email box, find the email, and follow the instruction to complete this final but very important task. If you can not find this email, please report to your current Area Governor by 7/15.

Thank you very much for your prompt corporation!


Grace Shih 施惠芳 謹上
District Governor 2011-12 總會長