





Dear Leaders,

Thank you all very much for being a responsible leader that inspires and motivates your club members to strive in reaching their educational goals.

The result of the 2010-11 Annual Educational Achievement contest is finalized. Altogether there are 20 clubs listed as the winners in this contest. Congratulations to these clubs. You successfully provided your club members a mutually supportive and positive learning environment to learn and grow. Please keep up the good work in the coming year. We are proud of you and the members who achieves!

  Club NO. Club Name 分會            
1 722604 Cheng Kung 成功 5CCs 6CLs        
1 1121572 Top 高峰 4CCs 5CLs 1ACB 1ALB    
3 8681 Excellence 卓越 4CCs 2CLs 1ACB 1ACG 1ALS 1DTM
4 1890 Taipei 台北 5CCs 1CL 1ACB 1ACS 1ALB  
4 3892 Scien Tech 科工 4CCs 2CLs 2ACBs 1ALB    
4 5978 Taichung 台中 3CCs 2CLs 1ACG 2ALSs 1DTM  
4 7355 Fengyuan 豐原 4CCs 2CLs 1ACB 1ACG 1DTM  
4 9159 Beast 博思 4CCs 3CLs 1ACB 1ACS    
4 9295 Legacy 薪傳 4CCs 2CLs 2ACB 1ACG    
10 2304 YMIC 青企 4CCs 2CLs 2ACSs      
10 2922 Sunrise 昇來 4CCs 4CLs        
10 3102 Tainan 台南 4CCs 2CLs 2ACBs      
10 4832 New Century 新世紀 4CCs 2CLs 1ACB 1ACG    
10 6679 Success 成功 4CCs 2CLs 2ACBs      
10 633480 Huatan 花壇 5CCs 2CLs 1ACB      
10 643701 Changhua Chinese 全方位 4CCs 2CLs 2ACBs      
10 844289 Chinatrust 中信金控 4CCs 1CCL 2ACBs 1ALB    
10 972131 Huluton 葫蘆墩 4CCs 2CLs 1ACB 1ALB    
10 990908 U-Swot 優勢活 4CCs 2CLs 1ALB 1ALS    
10 1304229 Hsiushui 秀水 4CCs 4CLs        


Grace Shih 施惠芳 謹上
2011-12 District Governor 2011-12總會長
2010-11 LGET 2010-11教育副總會長