George Yen, DTM, of Taipei, Taiwan, is Chairman of the Board of Great Sequoia Corporation, an international trading company based in Taipei. He has managed three international joint ventures, speaks five languages and holds a master’s degree in international relations from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
顏瑛宗,是臺灣一家國際貿易公司Great Sequoia Corporation的董事長。他經營三家國際合資企業,精通五門語言,並獲得賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓學院國際關係碩士學位。

As a dedicated Toastmaster for 20 years, he used to be the District Governor of District 67 (2004-2005) and International Director (2006-2008), now he is elected second Vice President.顏瑛宗擁有超過20年的國際演講會的成員資歷,曾於2004-2005年間擔任第67區的演講總會會長,于2006-2008年間擔任國際總會理事,今年8月份他以絕對的優勢贏得了Toastmaster世界總會第二副總會長的榮銜。